Welcome to my CodeClause-Java-Internship repository! This repository showcases four distinct projects that I completed during my internship. Each project highlights my skills in Java programming and software development. 🚀
Project | Description | Features | Link |
Employee Management System | A comprehensive application designed to manage employee records efficiently. | - ✅ Employee registration - 📊 Data retrieval and management - 🖥️ User-friendly interface |
View Project |
Face Authentication System | Implements a face recognition system for secure authentication. | - 👁️ Real-time face detection and recognition - 🔒 Secure login mechanisms - 👤 Enhanced user privacy and security |
View Project |
To-Do List | A simple yet effective To-Do List application. | - ➕ Task addition, deletion, and modification - 🗂️ Task prioritization - 📱 User-friendly interface |
View Project |
VPN Implementation | Demonstrates a basic Virtual Private Network (VPN) implementation. | - 🔗 Secure tunneling of internet traffic - 🔐 Encryption for enhanced security - ⚙️ User configuration options |
View Project |
- Java
- OpenCV (for Face Authentication System)
- Swing (for GUI)
- Other relevant libraries and frameworks
To get started with any of these projects, clone the repository and open the desired project in your favorite IDE. Ensure you have Java installed on your machine.
git clone https://github.com/Starshadow0707/CodeClause-Java-Internship.git
Follow the instructions provided in the respective project directories to run the applications.
Feel free to fork this repository and submit pull requests. Contributions are always welcome!
This project is licensed under the MIT License. See the LICENSE file for more information.
Username: Starshadow0707
Thank you for checking out my projects! 😊