2.24.0 (2024-07-12)
core: ✨ use Codex tokens for z-index (b5180bf )
DataMaps: ✨ add DataMaps init styles (46c139a )
DataMaps: ✨ add styles for Extension:DataMaps (5fdcfc6 )
leaflet: ✨ add Leaflet styles for Leaflet map extensions (4c51200 )
Leaflet: ✨ bump Leaflet button sizes to match Codex (a67f075 )
Leaflet: ✨ tweak Leaflet control margin (fb965e3 )
pref: ✨ add clientpref to disable auto-hide navigation (f0d1176 ), closes #841
stickyHeader: ✨ reduce page title size (f66348b )
Bug Fixes
Changelist: 🐛 fix incorrect legends z-index (cae7c75 )
core: 🐛 explictly set z-index for body container (2794a32 ), closes #577
DataMaps: 🐛 fix OOUI button width and invert icon on dark mode (1688b92 )
DataMaps: 🐛 remove unused styles (0540f0d )
Leaflet: 🐛 fix button alignment (7b6520b )
leaflet: 🐛 incorrect checked label selector (1471c1b )
leaflet: 🐛 re-introduce box-shadow back to touch buttons (51caa71 )
stickyHeader: use cached value for placeholder height if possible (c3855ff ), closes #854
ToC: 🐛 increase z-index of ToC backdrop (c555dfe )
You can’t perform that action at this time.