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Tags: SpyglassMC/Spyglass




This commit is not signed, but one or more authors requires that any commit attributed to them is signed.
 🔖 v2025.2.21+d16f11 [ci skip]

core:             0.4.27 (unchanged)
discord-bot:      0.3.38 (unchanged)
java-edition:     0.3.36 (unchanged)
json:             0.3.31 (unchanged)
language-server:  0.4.36 (unchanged)
locales:          0.3.13 (unchanged)
mcdoc:            0.3.31 (unchanged)
mcdoc-cli:        0.1.32 (unchanged)
mcfunction:       0.2.29 (unchanged)
nbt:              0.3.32 (unchanged)
playground:       0.2.36 (unchanged)
vscode-extension: 4.5.9 (unchanged)
web-api-server:   0.1.5 -> 0.1.6 (patch)



This commit is not signed, but one or more authors requires that any commit attributed to them is signed.
 🔖 v2025.2.20+3cfe46 [ci skip]

core:             0.4.27 (unchanged)
discord-bot:      0.3.38 (unchanged)
java-edition:     0.3.36 (unchanged)
json:             0.3.31 (unchanged)
language-server:  0.4.36 (unchanged)
locales:          0.3.13 (unchanged)
mcdoc:            0.3.31 (unchanged)
mcdoc-cli:        0.1.32 (unchanged)
mcfunction:       0.2.29 (unchanged)
nbt:              0.3.32 (unchanged)
playground:       0.2.36 (unchanged)
vscode-extension: 4.5.9 (unchanged)
web-api-server:   0.1.4 -> 0.1.5 (patch)



This commit is not signed, but one or more authors requires that any commit attributed to them is signed.
 🔖 v2025.2.19+eb9ccd [ci skip]

core:             0.4.26 -> 0.4.27 (patch)
discord-bot:      0.3.37 -> 0.3.38 (patch)
java-edition:     0.3.35 -> 0.3.36 (patch)
json:             0.3.30 -> 0.3.31 (patch)
language-server:  0.4.35 -> 0.4.36 (patch)
locales:          0.3.12 -> 0.3.13 (patch)
mcdoc:            0.3.30 -> 0.3.31 (patch)
mcdoc-cli:        0.1.31 -> 0.1.32 (patch)
mcfunction:       0.2.28 -> 0.2.29 (patch)
nbt:              0.3.31 -> 0.3.32 (patch)
playground:       0.2.35 -> 0.2.36 (patch)
vscode-extension: 4.5.8 -> 4.5.9 (patch)
web-api-server:   0.1.4 (unchanged)



This commit is not signed, but one or more authors requires that any commit attributed to them is signed.
 🔖 v2025.1.31+18c363 [ci skip]

core:             0.4.25 -> 0.4.26 (patch)
discord-bot:      0.3.36 -> 0.3.37 (patch)
java-edition:     0.3.34 -> 0.3.35 (patch)
json:             0.3.29 -> 0.3.30 (patch)
language-server:  0.4.34 -> 0.4.35 (patch)
locales:          0.3.12 (unchanged)
mcdoc:            0.3.29 -> 0.3.30 (patch)
mcdoc-cli:        0.1.30 -> 0.1.31 (patch)
mcfunction:       0.2.27 -> 0.2.28 (patch)
nbt:              0.3.30 -> 0.3.31 (patch)
playground:       0.2.34 -> 0.2.35 (patch)
vscode-extension: 4.5.7 -> 4.5.8 (patch)
web-api-server:   0.1.4 (unchanged)



This commit is not signed, but one or more authors requires that any commit attributed to them is signed.
 🔖 v2025.1.30+0edada [ci skip]

core:             0.4.25 (unchanged)
discord-bot:      0.3.35 -> 0.3.36 (minor)
java-edition:     0.3.34 (unchanged)
json:             0.3.29 (unchanged)
language-server:  0.4.34 (unchanged)
locales:          0.3.12 (unchanged)
mcdoc:            0.3.29 (unchanged)
mcdoc-cli:        0.1.30 (unchanged)
mcfunction:       0.2.27 (unchanged)
nbt:              0.3.30 (unchanged)
playground:       0.2.34 (unchanged)
vscode-extension: 4.5.7 (unchanged)
web-api-server:   0.1.4 (unchanged)



This commit is not signed, but one or more authors requires that any commit attributed to them is signed.
 🔖 v2025.1.29+5c65de [ci skip]

core:             0.4.25 (unchanged)
discord-bot:      0.3.34 -> 0.3.35 (patch)
java-edition:     0.3.33 -> 0.3.34 (patch)
json:             0.3.29 (unchanged)
language-server:  0.4.33 -> 0.4.34 (patch)
locales:          0.3.12 (unchanged)
mcdoc:            0.3.29 (unchanged)
mcdoc-cli:        0.1.30 (unchanged)
mcfunction:       0.2.27 (unchanged)
nbt:              0.3.30 (unchanged)
playground:       0.2.33 -> 0.2.34 (patch)
vscode-extension: 4.5.6 -> 4.5.7 (patch)
web-api-server:   0.1.4 (unchanged)



This commit is not signed, but one or more authors requires that any commit attributed to them is signed.
 🔖 v2025.1.29+e87f79 [ci skip]

core:             0.4.25 (unchanged)
discord-bot:      0.3.33 -> 0.3.34 (patch)
java-edition:     0.3.32 -> 0.3.33 (patch)
json:             0.3.29 (unchanged)
language-server:  0.4.32 -> 0.4.33 (patch)
locales:          0.3.12 (unchanged)
mcdoc:            0.3.29 (unchanged)
mcdoc-cli:        0.1.30 (unchanged)
mcfunction:       0.2.27 (unchanged)
nbt:              0.3.30 (unchanged)
playground:       0.2.32 -> 0.2.33 (patch)
vscode-extension: 4.5.5 -> 4.5.6 (patch)
web-api-server:   0.1.4 (unchanged)



This commit is not signed, but one or more authors requires that any commit attributed to them is signed.
 🔖 v2025.1.29+a38776 [ci skip]

core:             0.4.24 -> 0.4.25 (patch)
discord-bot:      0.3.32 -> 0.3.33 (patch)
java-edition:     0.3.31 -> 0.3.32 (patch)
json:             0.3.28 -> 0.3.29 (patch)
language-server:  0.4.31 -> 0.4.32 (patch)
locales:          0.3.12 (unchanged)
mcdoc:            0.3.28 -> 0.3.29 (patch)
mcdoc-cli:        0.1.29 -> 0.1.30 (patch)
mcfunction:       0.2.26 -> 0.2.27 (patch)
nbt:              0.3.29 -> 0.3.30 (patch)
playground:       0.2.31 -> 0.2.32 (patch)
vscode-extension: 4.5.4 -> 4.5.5 (patch)
web-api-server:   0.1.4 (unchanged)



This commit is not signed, but one or more authors requires that any commit attributed to them is signed.
 🔖 v2025.1.26+88edbc [ci skip]

core:             0.4.24 (unchanged)
discord-bot:      0.3.31 -> 0.3.32 (patch)
java-edition:     0.3.30 -> 0.3.31 (patch)
json:             0.3.27 -> 0.3.28 (patch)
language-server:  0.4.30 -> 0.4.31 (patch)
locales:          0.3.12 (unchanged)
mcdoc:            0.3.28 (unchanged)
mcdoc-cli:        0.1.29 (unchanged)
mcfunction:       0.2.26 (unchanged)
nbt:              0.3.28 -> 0.3.29 (patch)
playground:       0.2.30 -> 0.2.31 (patch)
vscode-extension: 4.5.3 -> 4.5.4 (patch)
web-api-server:   0.1.4 (unchanged)



This commit is not signed, but one or more authors requires that any commit attributed to them is signed.
 🔖 v2025.1.22+aafb5b [ci skip]

core:             0.4.23 -> 0.4.24 (patch)
discord-bot:      0.3.30 -> 0.3.31 (patch)
java-edition:     0.3.29 -> 0.3.30 (patch)
json:             0.3.26 -> 0.3.27 (patch)
language-server:  0.4.29 -> 0.4.30 (patch)
locales:          0.3.12 (unchanged)
mcdoc:            0.3.27 -> 0.3.28 (patch)
mcdoc-cli:        0.1.28 -> 0.1.29 (patch)
mcfunction:       0.2.25 -> 0.2.26 (patch)
nbt:              0.3.27 -> 0.3.28 (patch)
playground:       0.2.29 -> 0.2.30 (patch)
vscode-extension: 4.5.2 -> 4.5.3 (patch)
web-api-server:   0.1.4 (unchanged)