Genetic Algorithm for Metabolic Optimization
Tobias Alter
Institute of Applied Microbiology, RWTH Aachen University
[email protected]
Copy or clone files and folders to your hard drive. Matlab 2016 (or higher) (, Gurobi Solver 7 (or higher) (, and the COBRA toolbox ( are needed. For an extended example of how to set up the model, necessary options, and parameters refer to the GAMO_Example.m script.
The following Matlab toolboxes need to be installed to ensure full functionality of GAMO:
- Parallel Computing Toolbox
- Communication Toolbox
- Matlab Coder (and associated toolboxes)
Genetic Optimization Algorithm for Metabolic Engineering Revisited
Alter, T. B.; Blank, L. M.; Ebert, B. E.
Metabolites 2018, 8(2), 33
DOI: 10.3390/metabo8020033
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