This project is part of IT8108 Mobile Programming course project
- General Info
- Technologies
- Features and developers
- Setup
- Project Status
- Test run
- Room for Improvement
This project is an iOS application with the goal of tracking users' spending and providing regular summaries of their financial situation. The software allows users to establish spending limits for each category and record transactions (expenses and incomes). Users will be able to manage their finances and save money more effectively.
- Swift: 5
- Cocoapods
- Login - Nawraa Ahmed
- Setup - Nawraa Ahmed
- Dark Mode - Nawraa Ahmed
- Security (Face ID) - Nawraa Ahmed
- Reset App - Maryam Taraif
- Add/edit category - Maryam Taraif
- View List of categories - Maryam Taraif
- Add/edit/view transaction details - Kawthar Alakri
- Repeated transactions - Kawthar Alakri
- Home Screen Quick Actions - Kawthar Alakri
- list all transactions + delete - Zainab Abdulla
- Notifications - Zainab Abdulla
- Overview (Home) - Fatema Marhoon
- User settings - Fatema Marhoon
- Localization - Fatema Marhoon
- Export data to CSV - Maryam Taraif
To setup this project you have to run $ sudo gem install cocoapods
using the terminal.
This project is currently under development
To test run this project an account has been created with the following credentials
- User Name: [email protected]
- Password: 12345678
- Backup users information using network database
- Saving goals feature
- Connect the app with users’ bank account
- Add budgeting feature
- Import CSV