Welcome to the Pathfinding-visualizer GitHub repository! This react application allows you visualize different pathfinding and maze-generation algorithms with fun animations!
- A resizable grid that you can draw custom mazes on:
- Mouse left click to add a wall
- Mouse right click to remove a node
- Hover and drag start and end nodes anywhere on gird
- A speed slider that changes the animation speed of visualizations
- A variety of pathfinding algorithms:
- Depth-First Search
- Breadth-First Search
- A* Search
- Dijkstra's Algorithm
- Greedy Best-First Search
- A variety of maze generation algorithms:
- Depth-First Search algorithm
- Recursive Division
- Prim's algorithm
- visit the github page for this repo: https://smayan-n.github.io/pathfinding-visualizer/
- Download or clone this repository and run
yarn install
to install all modules. Then runyarn run dev
to view site