2.0.1 Release - Fixes for Syncing
This release fixes issues with nodes syncing on network. Mandatory for all users, exchanges, and SmartNodes. This update does not need a reindex if previously updated to 2.0.0.
This release updates the protocol for SmartNodes so a new start will be required from local wallet.
Electrum users please update to the 5.0.2 version to start SmartNodes.
0AF950A2B99185218526F079CED7B036CC18AEB852B168D3CF9645E5A0553A77 smartcash-2.0.1-win64-setup.exe
EC813C7BC5834E7CE4393DFEA6863D525E6D402BE30FFEFEEC987C859F8A4201 smartcash-2.0.1-osx.dmg
9A1B79F2ED1094D1031A93D2316AAD03536E661ABF5E0D4538F1B887E88EC3BA smartcash-2.0.1-x86_64-linux-gnu.tar.gz