一个 URP 自订义后处理框架,类似于HDRP扩展后处理的方式,另包含了一些自己的实作。
- 可自己排序后处理执行顺序
- 支援新版Unity的
Volume System
- Outline
- Glitch
- HalfTone
- WorldPosition (need enable DepthTexture in UniversalRenderPipelineAsset)
- CloudShadow (need enable DepthTexture in UniversalRenderPipelineAsset)
透过PackageManager点击Add package from git URL后贴上网址 https://github.com/SleeplessOwl0102/URP-Custom-Post-Processing.git
- 选取专案中的ForwardRendererData,并加入PostProcessRenderFeature。
新增一个Class并继承PostProcessVolumeComponent,并Override提供的Method即可,可参考 HalfToneVolume.cs 中的注解。
using System;
using UnityEngine;
using UnityEngine.Rendering;
namespace SleeplessOwl.URPPostProcessing
[Serializable, VolumeComponentMenu("SleeplessOwl PostProcessing/HalfTone")]
public sealed class HalfToneVolume : PostProcessVolumeComponent
public BoolParameter _visibleInSceneview = new BoolParameter(true);
public FloatParameter _Density = new FloatParameter(0);
public FloatParameter _Radius = new FloatParameter(0.3f);
public FloatParameter _SmoothEdge = new FloatParameter(0.2f);
public FloatParameter _HalfToneFactor = new FloatParameter(0.5f);
public FloatParameter _SourceFactor = new FloatParameter(0.5f);
public FloatParameter _Lightness = new FloatParameter(1);
public ColorParameter _PointColor = new ColorParameter(new Color(0, 0, 0, 1));
public ColorParameter _ColorFactor = new ColorParameter(new Color(1, 1, 1, 1));
private Material material;
//Define this Post-Processing will be executed in which timing in URP pipeline.
public override InjectionPoint InjectionPoint => InjectionPoint.BeforePostProcess;
//Default is true.
public override bool visibleInSceneView => _visibleInSceneview.value;
//If return false, will skip this Post-Processing.
//You should ensure the default parameter value will return false in this method, let disable volume component work.
public override bool IsActive() => _Density.value != 0;
//Cache parameter ids to avoid do the same thing every update.
static class IDs
internal readonly static int _Density = Shader.PropertyToID("_Density");
internal readonly static int _Radius = Shader.PropertyToID("_Radius");
internal readonly static int _SmoothEdge = Shader.PropertyToID("_SmoothEdge");
internal readonly static int _HalfToneFactor = Shader.PropertyToID("_HalfToneFactor");
internal readonly static int _SourceFactor = Shader.PropertyToID("_SourceFactor");
internal readonly static int _Lightness = Shader.PropertyToID("_Lightness");
internal readonly static int _Color01 = Shader.PropertyToID("_Color01");
internal readonly static int _ColorFactor = Shader.PropertyToID("_ColorFactor");
//Create shader material.
//You should put shader in the Resources folder, ensure it will be included in Asset Bundle, or add it use another way by yourself.
public override void Initialize()
material = CoreUtils.CreateEngineMaterial("SleeplessOwl/Post-Processing/HalfTone");
public override void Render(CommandBuffer cb, Camera camera, RenderTargetIdentifier source, RenderTargetIdentifier destination)
//Update parameter
material.SetFloat(IDs._Density, _Density.value);
material.SetFloat(IDs._Radius, _Radius.value);
material.SetFloat(IDs._SmoothEdge, _SmoothEdge.value);
material.SetFloat(IDs._HalfToneFactor, _HalfToneFactor.value);
material.SetFloat(IDs._SourceFactor, _SourceFactor.value);
material.SetFloat(IDs._Lightness, _Lightness.value);
material.SetColor(IDs._Color01, _PointColor.value);
material.SetColor(IDs._ColorFactor, _ColorFactor.value);
//Set RenderTexture for shader use.
//Set render target and draw.
cb.DrawFullScreenTriangle(material, destination);
//Do something before Destroy(), if you need.
protected override void CleanUp()