Amazing Invoice System.
- An invoice is a bill that businesses send to customers or clients, asking for payment for goods or services.
- Make your invoice look professional.
- print the invoice.
- export the invoice in excel or pdf files.
- Add company name and information
- Clearly mark your invoice if it's paid, unpaid or partially paid (payment status).
- send mails after the invoice be created
- Simplifies accounting and financial processes
- Full authentication system.
- Full authorization system.
- Use spatie package Laravel-permission Associate users with roles and permissions authorizing system.
- Soft and Permanently deleting models.
- One-to-many relationship.
- Implement middlewares.
- use seeders.
- Making Super administrator users.
- Installing amazing dashboard theme.
- Search functionality for invoices aslo dependent on the invoice status.
- See Invoice related to product or service.
- implement notification system to notify the admin if some one add invoice.
- Amazing dashboard visual display of the data using laravel aggregate functions.
- upload files and docs.
- custom logo for the site.
- Deploy site on heroku cloud platform.
- Generate Amazing Sucess and faliure messages after a lot of operations.
- Using PHP Version 8.0.2 .
- Using Laravel Version 8.18.83 .
- Using Mysql 8.0 .
- Using The preprocessor scripting language SASS for styling.
- Using Bootstrap is the most popular CSS Framework for developing responsive and mobile-first websites.
- Bootstrap 4.
- JS.
- JQuery.
- Ajax.
- The Laravel framework is open-sourced software licensed under the MIT license.