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Motivation (WIP)

erik edited this page Aug 31, 2022 · 1 revision

Asset Development

The process of developing an NFT collection is an arduous one. Oftentimes, the artist and developer work together on the iterative process of creating art, generating test assets, collecting feedback, and repeating. This system is typically less than ideal, as it usually involves the artist sending the art over a solution like Dropbox, the developer saving input files locally, and then the developer generating the outputs and saving those locally. The artist and developer can then collect feedback by either meeting via video chat and having the developer share their screen to show the latest outputs or the developer can simply send back a batch of outputs to the artist. This iterative process is repeated ad nauseam and it quickly becomes apparent that there exist too many pain points in the system. Expand this scenario to include multiple team members and the problem becomes even more cumbersome.

Project Management

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