C++ light wrapper for POSIX and Winsock sockets with implementation of TCP client/server using JSON messages,and HTTP, FTP clients
Jansson is a C library for encoding, decoding and manipulating JSON data.
Install dependency packages: Debian-based systems (like Ubuntu)
sudo apt-get install build-essential sudo apt-get install cmake sudo apt-get install libjansson-dev
Install dependency packages: For RPM-based systems (like Fedora and CentOS)
sudo yum install cmake sudo yum install jansson-devel
Get source:
git clone https://github.com/pedro-vicente/lib_netsockets.git
Build and test with:
make -f makefile make -f makefile test
On most Unix systems, the Jansson library is found on the default location with
cd build cmake ..
If the Jansson library is not found, it can be set with
cmake .. -DJANSSON_INCLUDE:PATH=/your/jansson/include/path -DJANSSON_LIBRARY=/your/jansson/library/file/name
For a Windows Visual Studio build a statically build runtime library can be set with.
#Usage lib_netsockets is C++ light wrapper for POSIX and Winsock sockets with implementation of TCP client/server using JSON messages,and HTTP, FTP clients.
#TCP server example
tcp_server_t server(2000);
while (true)
socket_t socket = server.accept_client();
#TCP client example
tcp_client_t client("", 2000);
client.write(buf, strlen(buf));
client.read_some(buf, sizeof(buf));
#HTTP client example
http_t client("www.mysite.com", 80);
client.get("/my/path/to/file", true);
#FTP client example Get file list from FTP server and first file in list
ftp_t ftp("my.ftp.site", 21);
ftp.login("my user", "anonymous");
#JSON messages JSON message requests are made using the jansson JSON library. An example that defines a JSON object defined as
{"start_year": 2016}
json_t *request = json_object();
json_object_set_new(request, "start_year", json_integer(2016));
The connection and message transmission to the server is made with
The server handles the client request in the function handle_client(), that uses the socket_t class read() function to parse the JSON message. In this case, the object with JSON key "start_year" is obtained, then a JSON response is made with and object with key "next_year", that is written to the socket, using the socket_t class write()
void handle_client(socket_t& socket_client)
json_t *response = NULL;
json_t *request = socket_client.read();
json_t *json_obj;
json_obj = json_object_get(request, "start_year");
json_int_t start_year = json_integer_value(json_obj);
response = json_object();
json_object_set_new(response, "next_year", json_integer(start_year + 1));
The client in turn receives the server response, and closes the opened socket, with
json_t *response = client.read();
json_t *json_obj;
json_obj = json_object_get(response, "next_year");
json_int_t next_year = json_integer_value(json_obj);