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1. A short description

  • The DEBV_calculator is a module for deregressing estimated breeding values (DEBV) based on two former popular methods (Garrick et al. 2009; VanRaden et al. 2009) in Linux. The source codes of this module were written in python (by employing pandas, numpy, argparse, time, and sys libraries), and bundled using pyinstaller (

1.2 For downloading this modules use 'wget' command for these links:

then run:
chmod 775 DEBV_calculator
chmod 775 DEBV_calculator_blupf90

For downloading this example datasets use this command in your Linux terminal:

2. Inputs and usage

2.1. Type 1 (our defined format using DEBV_calculator)

2.1.1. Input

The input header must be named exactly like this:

ID dam.ID sire.ID EBV.Progeny sire.EBV dam.EBV PA sire.ebv.rel dam.ebv.rel progeny.ebv.rel PA.rel
5 3 1 -2.25 -3.81 -1.83 -2.82 0.86 0.58 0.73 0.73
6 3 1 -3.14 -3.81 -1.83 -2.82 0.86 0.58 0.48 0.73
7 4 5 1.79 -0.79 -2.00 -1.39 0.69 0.50 0.45 0.73

2.1.2 Usage

"./DEBV_calculator --i Data.txt --h2 0.25 --c 0.5 --o DEBV.txt"

Argument Description
--i input path
--h2 heritability (0<h2<1)
--c fraction of genetic variance not explained by markers
--o output path

2.2. Type 2 (using blupf90 outputs and DEBV_calculator_blupf90)

2.2.1. Input and usage

In the first step, you must remove the header of blupf90 solutions file using: "sed '1d' solutions > solutions2"

Note: The standard errors must have been included in your blupf90 solutions through "OPTION sol se" command in blupf90.
Then, run this command:

"./DEBV_calculator_blupf90 --s solutions2 --op Original-ped.txt --rp renadd03.ped --rt 1 --re 3 --h2 0.25 --va 18 --c 0.5 --o DEBV.txt"

Argument Description
--s solutions path
--op original pedigree path
--rp recoded (blup90) pedigree path
--rt renumbred trait (in blup90 solutions file)
--re renumbred effect (in blup90 solutions file)
--h2 heritability (0<h2<1)
--va additive variance
--c fraction of genetic variance not explained by markers
--o output path


Garrick, D.J., Taylor, J.F., and Fernando, R.L. 2009. Deregressing estimated breeding values and weighting information for genomic regression analyses. Genetics Selection Evolution 41(1): 55.
VanRaden, P., Van Tassell, C., Wiggans, G., Sonstegard, T., Schnabel, R., Taylor, J., and Schenkel, F. 2009. Invited review: Reliability of genomic predictions for North American Holstein bulls. Journal of dairy science 92(1): 16-24.