A simple application for monitoring temperature and humidity and notifying relevant personnel as needed. We leverage the SHT45 Temperature and Humidity Sensor.
First follow the instructions here for installing the adafruit Blinka liibrary on a raspberry pi. Once this is instal run the following to install all dependencies:
pip3 install -r requirements.txt
This app uses SendGrid to send e-mail notification, so if you have not already done so, be sure to make an account with SendGrid, and setup the desired sender e-mail account as a verified sender through SendGrid. You will also need to get a SendGrid Web API key and run the following code to create a script for exporting the key as an environment variable:
echo "YOUR_API_KEY" > sendgrid.env
echo "sendgrid.env" >> .gitignore
First create a config file called config.json
to reflect the necessary settings for a given raspberry pi. The sender should be an e-mail address that has been verified through SendGrid. The settings have the following meanings:
- The e-mail address that notifications will be sent from.receivers
- A list of e-mail addresses to send notifications to.temp_range
- The normal range of temperatures in Celsius. Readings outside of this range will trigger a notification.humidity_range
- The normal range of humidities in percentages. Readings outside of this range will trigger a notification.interval
- Time interval in seconds between reads from the sensors
The following is a sample config file:
"root_dir": "path/to/root/for/logs"
"room": "Room-Name",
"sender": "[email protected]",
"receivers": ["[email protected]", "[email protected]"],
"temp_range": [20, 30],
"humidity_range": [30, 50],
"interval": 300
Run the following to start the app in the background:
nohup python3 main.py &
The app stores all logs at ~/.temp_humidity_logs
To check that the script is still running, run:
ps ax | grep main.py