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lukasc-ubc committed Feb 9, 2024
1 parent 2f88cd6 commit 2f3d5ed
Showing 1 changed file with 153 additions and 0 deletions.
153 changes: 153 additions & 0 deletions klayout/EBeam/pymacros/pcells_EBeam_Beta/
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,153 @@
import pya
from pya import *
import math
class ebeam_bragg_te1310(pya.PCellDeclarationHelper):
Input: length, width

def __init__(self):

# Important: initialize the super class
super(ebeam_bragg_te1310, self).__init__()
from SiEPIC.utils import get_technology_by_name
TECHNOLOGY = get_technology_by_name('EBeam')

# declare the parameters
self.param("number_of_periods", self.TypeInt, "Number of grating periods", default = 50)
self.param("grating_period", self.TypeDouble, "Grating period (microns)", default = 0.270)
self.param("fill_factor", self.TypeDouble, "Grating fill factor", default = 0.35)
self.param("corrugation_width", self.TypeDouble, "Corrugration width (microns)", default = 0.05)
self.param("misalignment", self.TypeDouble, "Grating misalignment (microns)", default = 0.0)
self.param("sinusoidal", self.TypeBoolean, "Grating Type (Rectangular=False, Sinusoidal=True)", default = False)
self.param("wg_width", self.TypeDouble, "Waveguide width", default = 0.5)
self.param("layer", self.TypeLayer, "Layer", default = TECHNOLOGY['Si'])
self.param("pinrec", self.TypeLayer, "PinRec Layer", default = TECHNOLOGY['PinRec'])
self.param("devrec", self.TypeLayer, "DevRec Layer", default = TECHNOLOGY['DevRec'])
# self.param("textl", self.TypeLayer, "Text Layer", default = LayerInfo(10, 0))

def display_text_impl(self):
# Provide a descriptive text for the cell
return "ebeam_bragg_te1310_%s-%.3f-%.3f-%.3f" % \
(self.number_of_periods, self.grating_period, self.corrugation_width, self.misalignment)

def coerce_parameters_impl(self):

def can_create_from_shape(self, layout, shape, layer):
return False

def produce_impl(self):

# fetch the parameters
dbu = self.layout.dbu
ly = self.layout
shapes = self.cell.shapes

LayerSi = self.layer
LayerSiN = ly.layer(LayerSi)
LayerPinRecN = ly.layer(self.pinrec)
LayerDevRecN = ly.layer(self.devrec)

from SiEPIC.extend import to_itype

# Draw the Bragg grating:
box_width = to_itype(self.grating_period/2,dbu)
grating_period = to_itype(self.grating_period,dbu)
w = to_itype(self.wg_width,dbu)
half_w = w/2
half_corrugation_w = to_itype(self.corrugation_width/2,dbu)
misalignment = to_itype(self.misalignment,dbu)

if self.sinusoidal:
npoints_sin = 40
for i in range(0,self.number_of_periods):
x = i * to_itype(self.grating_period,dbu)
box1 = Box(x, 0, x + box_width, half_w+half_corrugation_w)
pts1 = [Point(x,0)]
pts3 = [Point(x + misalignment,0)]
for i1 in range(0,npoints_sin+1):
x1 = i1 * 2* math.pi / npoints_sin
y1 = half_corrugation_w*math.sin(x1)
x1 = x1/2/math.pi*grating_period
# print("x: %s, y: %s" % (x1,y1))
pts1.append( Point(x + x1,half_w+y1 ) )
pts3.append( Point(x + misalignment + x1,-half_w-y1 ) )
pts1.append( Point(x + grating_period, 0) )
pts3.append( Point(x + grating_period + misalignment, 0) )
length = x + grating_period + misalignment
if misalignment > 0:
# extra piece at the end:
box2 = Box(x + grating_period, 0, length, half_w)
# extra piece at the beginning:
box3 = Box(0, 0, misalignment, -half_w)

for i in range(0,self.number_of_periods):
x = i * to_itype(self.grating_period,dbu)
box1 = Box(x, 0, x + box_width, half_w+half_corrugation_w)
box2 = Box(x + box_width, 0, x + grating_period, half_w-half_corrugation_w)
box3 = Box(x + misalignment, 0, x + box_width + misalignment, -half_w-half_corrugation_w)
box4 = Box(x + box_width + misalignment, 0, x + grating_period + misalignment, -half_w+half_corrugation_w)
length = x + grating_period + misalignment
if misalignment > 0:
# extra piece at the end:
box2 = Box(x + grating_period, 0, length, half_w)
# extra piece at the beginning:
box3 = Box(0, 0, misalignment, -half_w)

# Create the pins on the waveguides, as short paths:
from SiEPIC._globals import PIN_LENGTH as pin_length

t = Trans(Trans.R0, 0,0)
pin = Path([Point(pin_length/2, 0), Point(-pin_length/2, 0)], w)
pin_t = pin.transformed(t)
text = Text ("opt1", t)
shape = shapes(LayerPinRecN).insert(text)
shape.text_size = 0.4/dbu

t = Trans(Trans.R0, length,0)
pin = Path([Point(-pin_length/2, 0), Point(pin_length/2, 0)], w)
pin_t = pin.transformed(t)
text = Text ("opt2", t)
shape = shapes(LayerPinRecN).insert(text)
shape.text_size = 0.4/dbu
shape.text_halign = 2

# Compact model information
t = Trans(Trans.R0, 0, 0)
text = Text ('Lumerical_INTERCONNECT_library=Design kits/ebeam', t)
shape = shapes(LayerDevRecN).insert(text)
shape.text_size = 0.1/dbu
t = Trans(Trans.R0, length/10, 0)
text = Text ('Component=ebeam_bragg_te1310', t)
shape = shapes(LayerDevRecN).insert(text)
shape.text_size = 0.1/dbu
t = Trans(Trans.R0, length/9, 0)
text = Text \
('Spice_param:number_of_periods=%s grating_period=%.3g corrugation_width=%.3g misalignment=%.3g sinusoidal=%s' %\
(self.number_of_periods, self.grating_period*1e-6, self.corrugation_width*1e-6, self.misalignment*1e-6, int(self.sinusoidal)), t )
shape = shapes(LayerDevRecN).insert(text)
shape.text_size = 0.1/dbu

# Create the device recognition layer -- make it 1 * wg_width away from the waveguides.
t = Trans(Trans.R0, 0,0)
path = Path([Point(0, 0), Point(length, 0)], 3*w)

# print('Done: ebeam_bragg_te1550')

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