> Hey There!, I am Shubham Dalvi
「 I am a data engineer with a passion for big data , distributed computing and data visualization 」
✌️ Enjoy solving data problems
❤️ Passionate about big data technologies, distributed systems and data visualizations
📧 Reach me : [email protected]
This project demonstrates an automated data processing pipeline using Apache Airflow. The pipeline consists of several tasks that handle data ingestion, cleaning, transformation, and storage. Each task is defined as a node in the workflow, ensuring a clear and maintainable structure.
The workflow is composed of the following tasks:
Check for Files: Verifies the presence of the required input files.
t1 = BashOperator( task_id='check_file_exists', bash_command='shasum ~/store_files_airflow/raw_store_transactions.csv', retries=2, retry_delay=timedelta(seconds=15) )
Clean Raw CSV: Processes and cleans the raw CSV data.
t2 = PythonOperator( task_id='clean_raw_csv', python_callable=data_cleaner )
Create MySQL Table: Creates a table in the MySQL database.
t3 = MySqlOperator( task_id='create_mysql_table', mysql_conn_id="mysql_conn", sql="create_table.sql" )
Insert into Table: Inserts the cleaned data into the MySQL table.
t4 = MySqlOperator( task_id='insert_into_table', mysql_conn_id="mysql_conn", sql="insert_into_table.sql" )
Select from Table: Retrieves data from the MySQL table for further processing.
t5 = MySqlOperator( task_id='select_from_table', mysql_conn_id="mysql_conn", sql="select_from_table.sql" )
Move File 1: Moves the first processed file to a new location.
t6 = BashOperator( task_id='move_file1', bash_command='mv ~/store_files_airflow/location_wise_profit.csv ~/store_files_airflow/location_wise_profit_%s.csv' % yesterday_date )
Move File 2: Moves the second processed file to a new location.
t7 = BashOperator( task_id='move_file2', bash_command='mv ~/store_files_airflow/store_wise_profit.csv ~/store_files_airflow/store_wise_profit_%s.csv' % yesterday_date )
Send Email: Sends an email notification with the generated reports.
t8 = EmailOperator( task_id='send_email', to='[email protected]', subject='Daily report generated', html_content=""" <h1>Congratulations! Your store reports are ready.</h1> """, files=[ '/usr/local/airflow/store_files_airflow/location_wise_profit_%s.csv' % yesterday_date, '/usr/local/airflow/store_files_airflow/store_wise_profit_%s.csv' % yesterday_date ] )
Rename Raw File: Renames the raw file using a shell script.
t9 = BashOperator( task_id='rename_raw', bash_command='bash /usr/local/airflow/sql_files/copy_shell_script.sh' )
Place your input files in the designated directory.
Trigger the DAG from the Airflow UI or command line:
airflow dags trigger your_dag_id
Contributions are welcome! Please fork the repository and submit a pull request.
This project is licensed under the MIT License.