GUI that automatically passes commandline arguments to AtlusScriptCompiler.
Also useful for converting bitflag IDs from vanilla to Royal.
Place this EXE in the same folder as AtlusScriptCompiler.exe and run it.
Arguments will automatically be passed to the compiler by dragging files onto the window.
Note: P3P Library/Encoding does not work at this time. Use for Disassembly.
- Built-in light/dark theme toggle
- You can now click the Compile/Decompile buttons to browse for files using a popup dialog
- Options are hidden in the menustrip dropdowns for a more elegant appearance
- Form is now freely resizable and features a built-in output log
- Added option to delete .h files after decompiling .bmd to .msg
- P5R_EFIGS encoding option added in place of PS4 EU
- "Overwrite" option now applies to decompiling as well