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Train machine learning models to classify oral cancer using a very small dataset comprising normal, pre-cancerous, and cancerous images.


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Oral Cancer Detection Using Deep Learning

This repository contains a deep learning-based project for detecting oral cancer from images using various CNN architectures. The project processes a small dataset provided by a hospital, performs image augmentation, handles class imbalance, and uses pre-trained models for classification. The final model is converted to TensorFlow Lite format for deployment in a mobile app built with Flutter.


The project implements a deep learning pipeline for oral cancer detection, including:

  • Data preprocessing (duplicate image detection, augmentation, and splitting)
  • Model training using various pre-trained models (ResNet101, VGG16, InceptionV3, etc.)
  • GradCAM for model explainability
  • Deployment of the trained model to a Flutter mobile app


The dataset used in this project consists of images categorized into three classes:

  • Normal
  • Pre-cancer
  • Oral cancer

Note: The dataset is very small, which may cause overfitting and less generalization in models. To mitigate this, image augmentation techniques were applied.

Data Preprocessing

The preprocessing step involves:

  • Removing duplicate images: Duplicate images across classes were detected later in the process using image hashing (e.g., imagehash), and these images were moved to a separate folder for further annotation.
  • Data Augmentation: Given the small size of the dataset, data augmentation is applied using Keras' ImageDataGenerator to generate additional training samples.

Data Augmentation

Various transformations are applied, including:

  • Rotation
  • Width and height shifting
  • Shearing
  • Zooming
  • Horizontal flipping

These augmentations help increase the diversity of training data.

Model Training

The model uses pre-trained CNN architectures, including:

  • ResNet101
  • VGG16
  • VGG19
  • InceptionV3
  • DenseNet121
  • DenseNet169
  • DenseNet201
  • MobileNetV2

The models are fine-tuned on the augmented dataset. After training, the models are evaluated using accuracy and loss metrics.

Training the Model

Models are trained on the new augmented dataset. Additionally a script is made for custom training using pre-trained models. The script allows you to train a pre-trained deep learning model. It supports model training, dataset splitting, and evaluation using various pre-trained models from Keras applications (such as ResNet, VGG, Inception, etc.).

How to Use

To train a model, run the following command:

python train/ --model_name <MODEL_NAME> --epochs <EPOCHS> --original_dir <ORIGINAL_DATASET_DIR> --output_dir <OUTPUT_DIR>


python train/ --model_name <MODEL_NAME> --epochs <EPOCHS> --dataset_dir <DATASET_DIR>


  • --model_name: Required. The name of the pre-trained model (from keras applications) to use (e.g., ResNet101, VGG16, InceptionV3). This model will be fine-tuned on your dataset.
  • --epochs: Required. The number of epochs for training.
  • --original_dir: The directory containing the original dataset to split into train, validation, and test sets.
  • --output_dir: The directory where the dataset will be saved after splitting and the trained model will be stored.
  • --dataset_dir: If you already have a dataset split into train, validation, and test directories, specify the path to this directory instead of --original_dir and --output_dir.
  • --split_ratio: Optional. A list of two float values specifying the train-validation split ratio (default is [0.3, 0.5]).
  • --batch_size: Optional. The batch size for training and evaluation (default is 16).
  • --learning_rate: Optional. The learning rate for the optimizer (default is 0.0005).
  • --l2_reg: Optional. L2 regularization factor (default is 0.005).
  • --dropout_rate: Optional. Dropout rate for the model (default is 0.5).
  • --classes: Optional. The number of output classes in your dataset (default is 3).

The best model (checkpoint) is saved as <model_name>.keras based on validation performance.

Example Usage

To train a ResNet101 model for 20 epochs with a dataset split ratio of 70% for training, 15% for validation, and 15% for testing:

python train/ --model_name ResNet101 --epochs 20 --original_dir ./new_aug_dataset --output_dir ./oral_cancer_train_test_val_split --split_ratio 0.7 0.15

GradCAM for Model Explainability

Grad-CAM (Gradient-weighted Class Activation Mapping) is used to visualize which parts of the image the model focuses on when making predictions. This provides insights into model decision-making, especially important in medical applications.

Model Deployment

TensorFlow Lite Conversion

The trained models are converted to TensorFlow Lite format for mobile deployment. This is essential for integrating the model into a Flutter mobile application for real-time oral cancer detection.

Flutter Mobile App

The converted .tflite model is used in a mobile app built with Flutter. The app provides a user-friendly interface to upload an image and get predictions (normal, pre-cancer, or oral cancer).

To use the model in the Flutter app:

  1. Move the model.tflite file to the flutter_app/assets/ folder.
  2. Build and run the app using Flutter.


After training and evaluating the models, the performance is measured using accuracy and loss metrics. Each model's test accuracy is displayed along with a confusion matrix showing the true vs predicted labels. The final model, DenseNet201, provides the best performance for oral cancer detection with a test accuracy of about 91%.



Train machine learning models to classify oral cancer using a very small dataset comprising normal, pre-cancerous, and cancerous images.




