This repository contains a deep learning-based project for detecting oral cancer from images using various CNN architectures. The project processes a small dataset provided by a hospital, performs image augmentation, handles class imbalance, and uses pre-trained models for classification. The final model is converted to TensorFlow Lite format for deployment in a mobile app built with Flutter.
The project implements a deep learning pipeline for oral cancer detection, including:
- Data preprocessing (duplicate image detection, augmentation, and splitting)
- Model training using various pre-trained models (ResNet101, VGG16, InceptionV3, etc.)
- GradCAM for model explainability
- Deployment of the trained model to a Flutter mobile app
The dataset used in this project consists of images categorized into three classes:
- Normal
- Pre-cancer
- Oral cancer
Note: The dataset is very small, which may cause overfitting and less generalization in models. To mitigate this, image augmentation techniques were applied.
The preprocessing step involves:
- Removing duplicate images: Duplicate images across classes were detected later in the process using image hashing (e.g.,
), and these images were moved to a separate folder for further annotation. - Data Augmentation: Given the small size of the dataset, data augmentation is applied using Keras'
to generate additional training samples.
Various transformations are applied, including:
- Rotation
- Width and height shifting
- Shearing
- Zooming
- Horizontal flipping
These augmentations help increase the diversity of training data.
The model uses pre-trained CNN architectures, including:
- ResNet101
- VGG16
- VGG19
- InceptionV3
- DenseNet121
- DenseNet169
- DenseNet201
- MobileNetV2
The models are fine-tuned on the augmented dataset. After training, the models are evaluated using accuracy and loss metrics.
Models are trained on the new augmented dataset. Additionally a script is made for custom training using pre-trained models. The
script allows you to train a pre-trained deep learning model. It supports model training, dataset splitting, and evaluation using various pre-trained models from Keras applications (such as ResNet, VGG, Inception, etc.).
To train a model, run the following command:
python train/ --model_name <MODEL_NAME> --epochs <EPOCHS> --original_dir <ORIGINAL_DATASET_DIR> --output_dir <OUTPUT_DIR>
python train/ --model_name <MODEL_NAME> --epochs <EPOCHS> --dataset_dir <DATASET_DIR>
: Required. The name of the pre-trained model (from keras applications) to use (e.g., ResNet101, VGG16, InceptionV3). This model will be fine-tuned on your dataset.--epochs
: Required. The number of epochs for training.--original_dir
: The directory containing the original dataset to split into train, validation, and test sets.--output_dir
: The directory where the dataset will be saved after splitting and the trained model will be stored.--dataset_dir
: If you already have a dataset split into train, validation, and test directories, specify the path to this directory instead of --original_dir and --output_dir.--split_ratio
: Optional. A list of two float values specifying the train-validation split ratio (default is [0.3, 0.5]).--batch_size
: Optional. The batch size for training and evaluation (default is 16).--learning_rate
: Optional. The learning rate for the optimizer (default is 0.0005).--l2_reg
: Optional. L2 regularization factor (default is 0.005).--dropout_rate
: Optional. Dropout rate for the model (default is 0.5).--classes
: Optional. The number of output classes in your dataset (default is 3).
The best model (checkpoint) is saved as <model_name>.keras
based on validation performance.
To train a ResNet101 model for 20 epochs with a dataset split ratio of 70% for training, 15% for validation, and 15% for testing:
python train/ --model_name ResNet101 --epochs 20 --original_dir ./new_aug_dataset --output_dir ./oral_cancer_train_test_val_split --split_ratio 0.7 0.15
Grad-CAM (Gradient-weighted Class Activation Mapping) is used to visualize which parts of the image the model focuses on when making predictions. This provides insights into model decision-making, especially important in medical applications.
The trained models are converted to TensorFlow Lite format for mobile deployment. This is essential for integrating the model into a Flutter mobile application for real-time oral cancer detection.
The converted .tflite
model is used in a mobile app built with Flutter. The app provides a user-friendly interface to upload an image and get predictions (normal, pre-cancer, or oral cancer).
To use the model in the Flutter app:
- Move the
file to theflutter_app/assets/
folder. - Build and run the app using Flutter.
After training and evaluating the models, the performance is measured using accuracy and loss metrics. Each model's test accuracy is displayed along with a confusion matrix showing the true vs predicted labels. The final model, DenseNet201, provides the best performance for oral cancer detection with a test accuracy of about 91%.
Chollet, F., & Chollet, F. (2021). Deep Learning with Python, Second Edition. Manning.
Load and preprocess images. (n.d.). TensorFlow.
Chollet, B. F. (n.d.). Building powerful image classification models using very little data.
Team, K. (n.d.). Keras documentation: Transfer learning & fine-tuning.
Goceri, E. Medical image data augmentation: techniques, comparisons and interpretations. Artif Intell Rev 56, 12561–12605 (2023).