A modern learning management system built with Node.js, Next.js, MongoDB, and Redis. This application provides a comprehensive platform for managing and delivering educational content, featuring real-time notifications, efficient data caching, and a user-friendly interface.
- User Management: Handles user roles, authentication, and authorization.
- Course Management: Enables creation, updating, and management of courses and content.
- Real-time Notifications: Keeps users updated with the latest information using WebSockets.
- Efficient Caching: Utilizes Redis for improved performance and scalability.
- Modern UI: Built with Next.js for a responsive and engaging user experience.
- Chatting Features: Real-time chat functionality implemented with Socket.IO.
- Email & OTP Verification: Ensures secure account verification.
- Responsive Design: Built with Tailwind CSS and Material UI for an intuitive user interface.
Clone the Repository
git clone https://github.com/SharifuzzamanShaon/LMS_Tech_App.git cd learning-management-app
Install npm
npm install
ENV file in root dir
MONGO_URI=your_mongodb_connection_string REDIS_URL=your_redis_connection_string JWT_SECRET=your_jwt_secret SMTP_HOST = smtp-relay.brevo.com SMTP_USER = md*****@gmail.com SMTP_PASSWORD = ** *** *** * FROM_EMAIL = md********@gmail.com CLIENT_URL = http://******* CLOUD_NAME = daaxwtbba API_KEY = ************ API_SECRET = CT9o3mEVvEQ0Dp1kbNNMFfg-BMI REDIS_URL = 'redis:// default:Ab****YzZmJlMmVkYzQ0ZjNlYjMyZjFiM2I4N2FmMzdhYXAxMA@strong-rabbit-***805.upstash.io:6379' ACC_ACTIVATION_SECRETKEY = 'MmVkYzQ0ZjNl' ACCESS_TOKEN_KEY= '***************' REFRESH_TOKEN_KEY = '**************' ACCESS_TOKEN_EXPIRE = 5 # define the hours REFRESH_TOKEN_EXPIRE = 3 # define the day
Start the Frontend Application
cd client/my-app
npm run dev
- Real-Time Communication: This project includes real-time communication features developed with Socket.IO for enhanced interactivity and seamless data communication.
- User Authentication: Supports email and OTP verification to ensure account security.
- UI Frameworks: Built with Tailwind CSS and Material UI for a responsive and visually engaging interface.
Access the live application here: SkillSage Live Application
This project is continuously evolving, and new features will be added in future updates.
SkillSage is a platform for connecting freelance examiners, companies, and candidates. Below are the UML diagrams for the project:
- [Class Diagram](./docs/# SkillSage Project
SkillSage is a platform for connecting freelance examiners, companies, and candidates. Below are the UML diagrams for the project:
Thank you for exploring