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Shank2358 committed Jul 22, 2021
1 parent 52d2742 commit a260711
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Showing 4 changed files with 482 additions and 0 deletions.
146 changes: 146 additions & 0 deletions dataload/
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@@ -0,0 +1,146 @@
# coding=utf-8
import cv2
import random
import numpy as np

class HSV(object):
def __init__(self, hgain=0.5, sgain=0.5, vgain=0.5, p=0.5):
self.hgain = hgain
self.sgain = sgain
self.vgain = vgain
self.p = p
def __call__(self, img, bboxes):
if random.random() < self.p:
x = np.random.uniform(-1, 1, 3) * [self.hgain, self.sgain, self.vgain] + 1 # random gains
img_hsv = (cv2.cvtColor(img, cv2.COLOR_BGR2HSV) * x).clip(None, 255).astype(np.uint8)
np.clip(img_hsv[:, :, 0], None, 179, out=img_hsv[:, :, 0]) # inplace hue clip (0 - 179 deg)
img = cv2.cvtColor(img_hsv, cv2.COLOR_HSV2BGR, dst=img) # no return needed
return img, bboxes

class RandomVerticalFilp(object):
def __init__(self, p=0.5):
self.p = p
def __call__(self, img, bboxes):
if random.random() < self.p:
h_img, _, _ = img.shape
img = img[::-1, :, :] #倒序::-1
bboxes[:, [1, 3]] = h_img - bboxes[:, [3, 1]] # min,ymin,xmax,ymax,class
return img, bboxes

class RandomHorizontalFilp(object):
def __init__(self, p=0.5):
self.p = p

def __call__(self, img, bboxes):
if random.random() < self.p:
_, w_img, _ = img.shape
# img = np.fliplr(img)
img = img[:, ::-1, :]
bboxes[:, [0, 2]] = w_img - bboxes[:, [2, 0]]
return img, bboxes

class RandomCrop(object):
def __init__(self, p=0.5):
self.p = p

def __call__(self, img, bboxes):
if random.random() < self.p:
h_img, w_img, _ = img.shape

max_bbox = np.concatenate([np.min(bboxes[:, 0:2], axis=0), np.max(bboxes[:, 2:4], axis=0)], axis=-1)
max_l_trans = max_bbox[0]
max_u_trans = max_bbox[1]
max_r_trans = w_img - max_bbox[2]
max_d_trans = h_img - max_bbox[3]

crop_xmin = max(0, int(max_bbox[0] - random.uniform(0, max_l_trans)))
crop_ymin = max(0, int(max_bbox[1] - random.uniform(0, max_u_trans)))
crop_xmax = min(w_img, int(max_bbox[2] + random.uniform(0, max_r_trans)))#
crop_ymax = min(h_img, int(max_bbox[3] + random.uniform(0, max_d_trans)))#

img = img[crop_ymin : crop_ymax, crop_xmin : crop_xmax]

bboxes[:, [0, 2]] = bboxes[:, [0, 2]] - crop_xmin
bboxes[:, [1, 3]] = bboxes[:, [1, 3]] - crop_ymin
return img, bboxes

class RandomAffine(object):
def __init__(self, p=0.5):
self.p = p

def __call__(self, img, bboxes):
if random.random() < self.p:
h_img, w_img, _ = img.shape
max_bbox = np.concatenate([np.min(bboxes[:, 0:2], axis=0), np.max(bboxes[:, 2:4], axis=0)], axis=-1)
max_l_trans = max_bbox[0]
max_u_trans = max_bbox[1]
max_r_trans = w_img - max_bbox[2]
max_d_trans = h_img - max_bbox[3]

tx = random.uniform(-(max_l_trans - 1), (max_r_trans - 1))
ty = random.uniform(-(max_u_trans - 1), (max_d_trans - 1))

M = np.array([[1, 0, tx], [0, 1, ty]])
img = cv2.warpAffine(img, M, (w_img, h_img))

bboxes[:, [0, 2]] = bboxes[:, [0, 2]] + tx
bboxes[:, [1, 3]] = bboxes[:, [1, 3]] + ty
return img, bboxes

class Resize(object):

def __init__(self, target_shape, correct_box=True):
self.h_target, self.w_target = target_shape
self.correct_box = correct_box

def __call__(self, img, bboxes):
h_org , w_org , _= img.shape
img = cv2.cvtColor(img, cv2.COLOR_BGR2RGB).astype(np.float32)

resize_ratio = min(1.0 * self.w_target / w_org, 1.0 * self.h_target / h_org)
resize_w = int(resize_ratio * w_org)
resize_h = int(resize_ratio * h_org)
image_resized = cv2.resize(img, (resize_w, resize_h))

image_paded = np.full((self.h_target, self.w_target, 3), 128.0)
dw = int((self.w_target - resize_w) / 2)
dh = int((self.h_target - resize_h) / 2)
image_paded[dh:resize_h + dh, dw:resize_w + dw, :] = image_resized
image = image_paded / 255.0

if self.correct_box:
bboxes[:, [0, 2]] = bboxes[:, [0, 2]] * resize_ratio + dw
bboxes[:, [1, 3]] = bboxes[:, [1, 3]] * resize_ratio + dh
return image, bboxes
return image

class Mixup(object):
def __init__(self, p=0.5):
self.p = p

def __call__(self, img_org, bboxes_org, img_mix, bboxes_mix):
if random.random() > self.p:
lam = np.random.beta(1.5, 1.5)
img = lam * img_org + (1 - lam) * img_mix
bboxes_org = np.concatenate(
[bboxes_org, np.full((len(bboxes_org), 1), lam)], axis=1)
bboxes_mix = np.concatenate(
[bboxes_mix, np.full((len(bboxes_mix), 1), 1 - lam)], axis=1)
bboxes = np.concatenate([bboxes_org, bboxes_mix])

img = img_org
bboxes = np.concatenate([bboxes_org, np.full((len(bboxes_org), 1), 1.0)], axis=1)

return img, bboxes

class LabelSmooth(object):
def __init__(self, delta=0.01): = delta

def __call__(self, onehot, num_classes):
return onehot * (1 - + * 1.0 / num_classes
116 changes: 116 additions & 0 deletions dataload/
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import os
from import Dataset
from pycocotools.coco import COCO

import config.cfg_npmmrdet_dior as cfg
from utils.utils_coco import *

class COCODataset(Dataset):
COCO dataset class.
def __init__(self, data_dir='COCO', json_file='instances_train2017.json',
name='train2017', img_size=416,
augmentation=None, min_size=1, debug=False):
COCO dataset initialization. Annotation data are read into memory by COCO API.
model_type (str): model name specified in config file
data_dir (str): dataset root directory
json_file (str): COCO json file name ##################
name (str): COCO data name (e.g. 'train2017' or 'val2017') ###########
img_size (int): target image size after pre-processing
min_size (int): bounding boxes smaller than this are ignored
debug (bool): if True, only one data id is selected from the dataset
self.data_dir = data_dir
self.json_file = json_file
self.coco = COCO(self.data_dir+'/json_gt/'+self.json_file)
self.ids = self.coco.getImgIds()
if debug:
self.ids = self.ids[1:2]
print("debug mode...", self.ids)
self.class_ids = sorted(self.coco.getCatIds()) = name
self.max_labels = cfg.MAX_LABEL#########################
self.img_size = img_size
self.min_size = min_size
self.lrflip = augmentation['LRFLIP']
self.jitter = augmentation['JITTER']
self.random_placing = augmentation['RANDOM_PLACING']
self.hue = augmentation['HUE']
self.saturation = augmentation['SATURATION']
self.exposure = augmentation['EXPOSURE']
self.random_distort = augmentation['RANDOM_DISTORT']

def __len__(self):
return len(self.ids)

def __getitem__(self, index):
One image / label pair for the given index is picked up \
and pre-processed.
index (int): data index
img (numpy.ndarray): pre-processed image
padded_labels (torch.Tensor): pre-processed label data. \
The shape is :math:`[self.max_labels, 5]`. \
each label consists of [class, xc, yc, w, h]:
class (float): class index.
xc, yc (float) : center of bbox whose values range from 0 to 1.
w, h (float) : size of bbox whose values range from 0 to 1.
info_img : tuple of h, w, nh, nw, dx, dy.
h, w (int): original shape of the image
nh, nw (int): shape of the resized image without padding
dx, dy (int): pad size
id_ (int): same as the input index. Used for evaluation.
id_ = self.ids[index]
anno_ids = self.coco.getAnnIds(imgIds=[int(id_)], iscrowd=None)
annotations = self.coco.loadAnns(anno_ids)
lrflip = False
if np.random.rand() > 0.5 and self.lrflip == True:
lrflip = True

# load image and preprocess
img_file = os.path.join(self.data_dir, 'JPEGImages',
'{:0>5d}'.format(id_) + '.jpg')
img = cv2.imread(img_file)
imgshow = img
if self.json_file == 'instances_val5k.json' and img is None:
img_file = os.path.join(self.data_dir, 'train2017',
'{:012}'.format(id_) + '.jpg')
img = cv2.imread(img_file)
assert img is not None

img, info_img = preprocess(img, self.img_size, jitter=self.jitter,

if self.random_distort:
img = random_distort(img, self.hue, self.saturation, self.exposure)

img = np.transpose(img / 255., (2, 0, 1))

if lrflip:
img = np.flip(img, axis=2).copy()

# load labels
labels = []
for anno in annotations:
if anno['bbox'][2] > self.min_size and anno['bbox'][3] > self.min_size:

padded_labels = np.zeros((self.max_labels, 5))
if len(labels) > 0:
labels = np.stack(labels)
labels = label2box(labels, info_img, self.img_size, lrflip)
] = labels[:self.max_labels]
padded_labels = torch.from_numpy(padded_labels)

return img, padded_labels, info_img, id_, img_file

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