The goal of this project was to design and implement a 2D arcade style game, where the user moves an avatar from level to level to eventually reach the end of the game.
The project itself consists of a start menu and the graphical interface of the game.
The menu lets the user adjust the game's settings , such as the player controls, the volume of the background music adn the difficulty of the game.Furthermore , the user can either start a new game , creating a profile that will save his progress or continue from an older saved profile.
The graphical interface , used for rendering the levels, consists of a camera that follows the player while he moves and progresses in the levels.
During the game , the user is confronted by a lot of enemies of different kind, that he must either avoid or kill. To accomplish this task, the player can use his ability to shoot projectiles or use other weapons he may find throughout the levels. The player will also stumble across tools that will give him different kinds of abilities , like jumping higher or flying. The player is does have a certain amount of health that decreases upon contact with enemies of enemy projectiles. If that health reaches zero, the user loses and will respawn in a previous point of the level. The avatar also has a certain amount of energy, that deplenishes by using certain tools and items or performing certain actions, that are explained in the game.
Valid installation of Python 3
Valid installation of pygame version 1.9.2
Windows 8,8.1,10
The game starts by double clicking the file. To navigate from one menu to the previous one , press the escape button.