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added an exporter to the nodejs selenium-webdriver module
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livioc committed Jun 29, 2015
1 parent b920f40 commit 547e16f
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Showing 3 changed files with 363 additions and 1 deletion.
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
@@ -0,0 +1,361 @@{
name: "Node.JS - Selenium-WebDriver",
extension: ".js",
not: "!",
"var webdriver = require('selenium-webdriver'),\n" +
" By = webdriver.By,\n" +
" until = webdriver.until;\n"+
"var _ = require('underscore');\n"+
"var VARS = {};\n" +
"\n" +
"var globalTimeout = {timeoutSeconds}*1000;\n"+
"\n" +
"var driver = new webdriver.Builder()\n" +
" .forBrowser('firefox')\n" +
" .build();\n" +
"\n" +
"driver.controlFlow().on('uncaughtException', function(err) {\n" +
" console.log('There was an uncaught exception: ' + err);\n" +
"});\n" +
"\n" +
lineForType: {
//--- navigation
"get" :
"driver.get({url}); \n",
"refresh" :
"driver.navigate().refresh(); \n",
"goBack" :
"driver.navigate().back(); \n",
"goForward" :
"driver.navigate().forward(); \n",
"close" :
"driver.quit(); \n",
//--- input
"clickElement" :
"driver.findElement(By.{locatorBy}({locator})).click(); \n",
"doubleClickElement" :
"driver.actions().doubleClick(driver.findElement(By.{locatorBy}({locator}))).perform(); \n",
"mouseOverElement" :
"driver.actions().mouseMove(driver.findElement(By.{locatorBy}({locator}))).perform(); \n",
"setElementText" :
"driver.findElement(By.{locatorBy}({locator})).clear(); \n" +
"driver.findElement(By.{locatorBy}({locator})).sendKeys({text}); \n",
"sendKeysToElement" :
"driver.findElement(By.{locatorBy}({locator})).sendKeys({text}); \n",
"setElementSelected" :
"driver.findElement(By.{locatorBy}({locator})).isSelected().then(function(isSelected){ \n" +
" if(!isSelected){ \n" +
" driver.findElement(By.{locatorBy}({locator})).click(); \n" +
" } \n" +
"}); \n",
"setElementNotSelected" :
"driver.findElement(By.{locatorBy}({locator})).isSelected().then(function(isSelected){ \n" +
" if(isSelected){ \n" +
" driver.findElement(By.{locatorBy}({locator})).click(); \n" +
" } \n" +
"}); \n",
"clearSelections" :
"", //clear multi select element
"submitElement" :
"driver.findElement(By.{locatorBy}({locator})).submit(); \n",
"dragToAndDropElement" :
"", //{locator}-{targetLocator}
"clickAndHoldElement" :
"driver.actions().mouseDown(driver.findElement(By.{locatorBy}({locator}))).perform(); \n",
"releaseElement" :
"driver.actions().mouseUp(driver.findElement(By.{locatorBy}({locator}))).perform(); \n",
//--- misc
"addCookie" :
"driver.manage().addCookie({name}, {value}); \n", //path & max_age?
"deleteCookie" :
"driver.manage().deleteCookie({name}); \n",
"saveScreenshot" :
"driver.takeScreenshot().then(function (image, err) { \n" +
" require('fs').writeFile({file}, image, 'base64'); \n" +
"}); \n",
"print" :
"driver.controlFlow().execute(function () { console.log({text}); }); \n",
"pause" :
"driver.sleep({waitTime}); \n",
"switchToFrame" :
"driver.switchTo().frame({identifier}); \n",
"switchToFrameByIndex" :
"driver.switchTo().frame({index}); \n",
"switchToWindow" :
"driver.switchTo().window({name}); \n",
"switchToWindowByIndex" :
"driver.getAllWindowHandles().then(function(handlesArray){ \n" +
" driver.switchTo().window(handlesArray[{index}]); \n" +
"}); \n",
"switchToDefaultContent" :
"driver.switchTo().defaultContent(); \n",
"driver.switchTo().alert().sendKeys({text}); \n",
"acceptAlert" :
"driver.switchTo().alert().accept(); \n",
"dismissAlert" :
"driver.switchTo().alert().dismiss(); \n",
"setWindowSize" :
"driver.manage().window().setSize({width}, {height}); \n",
//--- store
"driver.controlFlow().execute(function () { ${{variable}} = '' + {text}; }); \n",
assert: function(step, escapeValue, doSubs, getter) {
if (step.negated) {
return doSubs(
"{getter}\n" +
" if (_.isEqual({value},{cmp})) {\n" +
" driver.quit();\n" +
" throw new Error('!{stepTypeName} failed');\n" +
" }\n" +
"{getterFinish}\n", getter);
} else {
return doSubs(
"{getter}\n" +
" if (!_.isEqual({value}, {cmp})) {\n" +
" driver.quit();\n" +
" throw new Error('{stepTypeName} failed');\n" +
" }\n" +
"{getterFinish}\n", getter);
verify: function(step, escapeValue, doSubs, getter) {
if (step.negated) {
return doSubs(
"{getter}\n" +
" if (_.isEqual({value}, {cmp})) {\n" +
" console.log('!{stepTypeName} failed');\n" +
" }\n" +
"{getterFinish}\n", getter);
} else {
return doSubs(
"{getter}\n" +
" if (!_.isEqual({value}, {cmp})) {\n" +
" console.log('{stepTypeName} failed');\n" +
" }\n" +
"{getterFinish}\n", getter);
waitFor: function(step, escapeValue, doSubs, getter) {
return doSubs(
"driver.wait(function(){ \n" +
" return {getter} \n" +
" return ({negNot}_.isEqual({value}, {cmp})); \n" +
" {getterFinish} \n" +
"}, globalTimeout); \n", getter);
"{getter}\n" +
" ${{variable}} = {value};\n" +
"{getter}\n" +
" if ({posNot}{value}) {\n" +
" driver.quit();\n" +
" throw new Error('{negNot}{stepTypeName} failed');\n" +
" }\n" +
"{getter}\n" +
" if ({posNot}{value}) {\n" +
" driver.quit();\n" +
" console.log('{negNot}{stepTypeName} failed');\n" +
" }\n" +
boolean_waitFor: "",
"{getter}\n" +
" ${{variable}} = {value};" +
boolean_getters: {
"TextPresent": {
getter: "driver.findElement(By.tagName('html')).getText().then(function (text) {\n" +
" var hasText = text.indexOf({text}) !== -1;",
getterFinish: "});",
value: "hasText"
"ElementPresent": {
getter: "driver.isElementPresent(driver.findElement(By.{locatorBy}({locator}))).then(function (isPresent) {",
getterFinish: "});",
value: "isPresent"
"ElementSelected": {
getter: "driver.findElement(By.{locatorBy}({locator})).isSelected().then(function (isSelected) {",
getterFinish: "});",
value: "isSelected"
"CookiePresent": {
getter: "driver.manage().getCookie({name}).then(function (cookie) {\n" +
" var hasCookie = (cookie !== null);",
getterFinish: "});",
value: "hasCookie"
"AlertPresent": {
getter: "driver.switchTo().alert().thenCatch(function (e) {\n" +
" var hasAlert = (e.code !== 27);",
getterFinish: "});",
value: "hasAlert"
getters: {
"BodyText": {
getter: "driver.findElement(By.tagName('html')).getText().then(function (text) {",
getterFinish: "});",
cmp: "{text}",
value: "text"
"PageSource": {
getter: "driver.getPageSource().then(function (source) {",
getterFinish: "});",
cmp: "{source}",
value: "source"
"CurrentUrl": {
getter: "driver.getCurrentUrl().then(function (url) {",
getterFinish: "});",
cmp: "{url}",
value: "url"
"Title": {
getter: "driver.getTitle().then(function (title) {",
getterFinish: "});",
cmp: "{title}",
value: "title"
"Text": {
getter: "driver.findElement(By.{locatorBy}({locator})).getText().then(function (text) {",
getterFinish: "});",
cmp: "{text}",
value: "text"
"ElementValue": {
getter: "driver.findElement(By.{locatorBy}({locator})).getAttribute('value').then(function (value) {",
getterFinish: "});",
cmp: "{value}",
value: "value"
"ElementAttribute": {
getter: "driver.findElement(By.{locatorBy}({locator})).getAttribute({attributeName}).then(function (value) {",
getterFinish: "});",
cmp: "{value}",
value: "value"
"ElementStyle": {
getter: "driver.findElement(By.{locatorBy}({locator})).getCssValue({propertyName}).then(function (value) {",
getterFinish: "});",
cmp: "{value}",
value: "value"
"CookieByName": {
getter: "driver.manage().getCookie({name}).then(function (cookie) {",
getterFinish: "});",
cmp: "{value}",
value: "cookie"
"AlertText": {
getter: "driver.switchTo().alert().getText().then(function (text) {",
getterFinish: "});",
cmp: "{text}",
value: "text"
"Eval": {
getter: "driver.executeScript({script}).then(function (value) {",
getterFinish: "});",
cmp: "{value}",
value: "value"

locatorByForType: function(stepType, locatorType, locatorIndex) {
if(locatorType === "id"){ return "id"; }
if(locatorType === "name"){ return "name"; }
if(locatorType === "link text"){ return "linkText"; }
if(locatorType === "css selector"){ return "css"; }
if(locatorType === "xpath"){ return "xpath"; }

* Processes a parameter value into an appropriately escaped expression. Mentions of variables
* with the ${foo} syntax are transformed into expressions that concatenate the variables and
* literals.
* For example:
* a${b}c
* becomes:
* "a" + b + "c"
escapeValue: function(stepType, value, pName) {
if ("store") && pName == "variable") { return value; }
if ( == "switchToFrameByIndex" && pName == "index") { return value; }
// This function takes a string literal and escapes it and wraps it in quotes.
var esc = function(v) { return "\"" + v.replace(/\\/g, "\\\\").replace(/"/g, "\\\"") + "\""; };

// Don't escape numerical values.
if (stepType == builder.selenium2.stepTypes.pause || stepType == builder.selenium2.stepTypes.setWindowSize) {
esc = function(v) { return v; };

// The following is a transducer that produces the escaped expression by going over each
// character of the input.
var output = ""; // Escaped expression.
var lastChunk = ""; // Accumulates letters of the current literal.
var hasDollar = false; // Whether we've just encountered a $ character.
var insideVar = false; // Whether we are reading in the name of a variable.
var varName = ""; // Accumulates letters of the current variable.
for (var i = 0; i < value.length; i++) {
var ch = value.substring(i, i + 1);
if (insideVar) {
if (ch == "}") {
// We've finished reading in the name of a variable.
// If this isn't the start of the expression, use + to concatenate it.
if (output.length > 0) { output += " + "; }
output += "VARS." + varName;
insideVar = false;
hasDollar = false;
varName = "";
} else {
// This letter is part of the name of the variable we're reading in.
varName += ch;
} else {
// We're not currently reading in the name of a variable.
if (hasDollar) {
// But we *have* just encountered a $, so if this character is a {, we are about to
// do a variable.
if (ch == "{") {
insideVar = true;
if (lastChunk.length > 0) {
// Add the literal we've read in to the text.
if (output.length > 0) { output += " + "; }
output += esc(lastChunk);
lastChunk = "";
} else {
// No, it was just a lone $.
hasDollar = false;
lastChunk += "$" + ch;
} else {
// This is the "normal case" - accumulating the letters of a literal. Unless the letter
// is a $, in which case this may be the start of a
if (ch == "$") { hasDollar = true; } else { lastChunk += ch; }
// Append the final literal, if any, to the output.
if (lastChunk.length > 0) {
if (output.length > 0) { output += " + "; }
output += esc(lastChunk);
return output;
usedVar: function(varName, varType) { return "VARS." + varName; },
unusedVar: function(varName, varType) { return "VARS." + varName; }

if (builder && builder.loader && builder.loader.loadNextMainScript) { builder.loader.loadNextMainScript(); }
1 change: 1 addition & 0 deletions seleniumbuilder/chrome/content/html/js/loader.js
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -203,6 +203,7 @@ builder.loader.mainScripts = [
Expand Down
2 changes: 1 addition & 1 deletion tests/exporters.js
Original file line number Diff line number Diff line change
Expand Up @@ -6,7 +6,7 @@ var assert = require('assert')
, log = new Log(Log.DEBUG);

// test exporters
var exporters = ["node-wd", "node-mocha", "java_new", "english"];
var exporters = ["node-wd", "node-selenium-webdriver", "node-mocha", "java_new", "english"];
var testExporter = function(exporter, testFile) {
assert.doesNotThrow(function(){[exporter, testFile]);
Expand Down

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