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@Sefiraat Sefiraat released this 10 Jan 16:25

This version changes how items are handled in the backend to make everything incredibly more efficient, around 500% in most operations. With this, however, comes the possibility for new bugs so I figured I'd post a quick testing jar here in case someone wanted to try the new features earlier and potentially report any found bugs.

Also included in this release is:

  • A 'Pusher' that will push matching items from the Network into the chosen Slimefun Block
  • A 'Grabber' that will grab matching items from the chosen Slimefun Block into the Network
  • A 'Purger' which will find all matching items in the Network and slowly destroy them
  • You can now pick one item from a grid and click again to grab more for when you need more than one, but not 64
  • Network bridges refresh instantly now, no more delay between network forming and removal
  • Shells now accept cargo directly in and out
  • Pulling out items with different Metas like Enchanted Books, Fish in buckets, tools with slightly different properties like damage etc. will now pull out the exact one you asked for and not pick up a random one like a dummy.

A big change to note is
Monitors now only interface with a single block. You can choose the direction you want but only one. This was done for performance and, while I know it may annoy some, it's best this way in the long run - sorry none the less.