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Releases: Sea2Data/Rstox

Rstox official version 1.11

24 Jun 12:01
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This release of Rstox (version 1.11) includes a number of improvements and new features, highlights of which are listed below. Rstox version 1.11 corresponds with the StoX version 2.7.

Support for reading the NMD Biotic v3.0 in StoX/Rstox, which is the new format for biotic data (e.g. trawl samples) released early 2019 by the Norwegian Marine Data Centre (abbreviated NMD in Norwegian). Biotic 3.0 files are treated as biotic v1.4 files by StoX in the current release, and will be fully supported in future releases.

Support for the Biotic NMD API v3, which supports versioning of the data through snapshots generated when there are changes to a data set (there is one data set per cruise).

Support for the Biotic NMD API v2, with a few changes such as all platform entries returned from getNMDinfo("platform") and one row per species in the output from getNMDinfo("taxa").

Added the function StationSpecCatDensity in StoX, which returns abundance regrouped into species categories specified by a resource file. See the template "Station species category density" in StoX.

Added the ECA (Estimated Catch at Age) model (Hirst et al, 2014, This is a preliminary version currently running on Mac OS only.

Added the function prepareDATRAS() for converting single biotic files to the DATRAS format.

See a full list of changes in the README file.

Rstox unofficial version 1.10.1

08 Feb 18:20
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Single bug fix from Rstox_1.10 to Rstox_1.11, removing random empty bootstrap runs from cores in parallel.

Rstox official version 1.10

08 Feb 15:56
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See the release Rstox v1.11, which is equal to v1.10 except for a critical fault when running bootstrap in parallel, causing all runs of random cores to return empty data. When using Rstox v1.10 it is recommended to run bootstrap with cores=1.

Rstox unofficial version 1.9.5

08 Feb 15:22
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Last test release prior to Rstox_1.10

Rstox unofficial version 1.9.4

08 Feb 10:02
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Final test release prior to Rstox_1.10

Rstox unofficial version 1.9.3

07 Feb 12:39
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Test release prior to Rstox_1.10

Rstox unofficial version 1.9.2

04 Feb 15:57
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Test release prior to Rstox_1.10

Rstox unofficial version 1.9.1

01 Feb 22:26
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Test release prior to Rstox_1.10

Rstox official version 1.9

18 Apr 15:04
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This release of Rstox (version 1.9) includes a series of bug fixes and modifications, mostly to the framework. It corresponds with the StoX version 2.6, which contains the StoX function FillMissingData_2.4 which produces the same result as the StoX function FillMissingData in StoX_2.4. As of StoX_2.5 FillMissingData contains a change that has the same effect that would changing the seed. Also the column "ChannelThickness" has been added to the baseline output from StoX functions NASC and MeanNASC.

In addition a new function named surveyPlanner() is included in Rstox_1.9, which can be used for generating parallel and zigzag transects for use in surveys.

See a full list of changes in the README file.

Rstox unofficial version 1.8.1

18 Apr 14:31
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Test release prior to Rstox_1.9