More ODE integrators
The list of available ODE integrators has expanded. The new additions are mostly lower order methods, a few adaptive ones and a few with fixed timesteps. This is the list of available integrators now:
- Heun's Adaptive 2nd order method.BS32
- Bogacki–Shampine 3rd order adaptive method.DOPRI54
- Dormand & Prince's adaptive 5th order method.Heun2
- Heun's 2nd order fixed timestep method.Ralston2
- Ralston's 2nd order fixed timestep method.Kutta3
- Kutta's 3rd order fixed timestep method.Heun3
- Heuns's 3rd order fixed timestep method.Ralston3
- Ralston's 3rd order fixed timestep method.SSPRK3
- Strong Stability Preserving Runge-Kutta 3rd order fixed timestep method.Ralston4
- Ralston's 4th order fixed timestep method.Kutta4
- Kutta's 4th order fixed timestep method.RK4
- The standard 4th order, fixed timestep method we all know and love.