Arduino MKR1010 as USB host connects URG-04LX-UG01 with OTG cable.
If you want more details ,the paper can provide help.
this repository is base on . what I do is add a line in Usb.cpp ,because
Arduino MKR was missing packet when Hokuyo URG-04LX-UG01 was sending.
urgacm can receive complete packet form URG-04LX-UG01,but it sends a charater form buf every time until the number of packet equal 64. urgacmAP1 sends whole buf to PC. the urgacmb20220421_servertext_DEMO.mp4 is recorded by urgacmb20220421_servertext program and UrgLidarTester.
UrgLidarTester is coded by jingyu Lin ,the professor of Guangdong University of Technology .
Pay attention to,it is a client in urgacm but server in urgacmAP and urgacmAP1.
The +5V pin of Arduino MKR 1010 should connect +5 sourse , and the GND pin connect GND. Just do this and you should premise the voltage of +5V pin is 5V at least when MKR is connecting URG-04LX-UG01,otherwise it can't connect WiFi or receive data of URG.
Upload example to MKR.If MKR is USBhost,you should click Reset button twice then the yellow LED of MKR flashes . In this time ,you can upload code when set correct port.
Set correct WiFi ssid and pass ,sure ,server need net port.