Follow these steps to set up the project locally on your machine.
Make sure you have the following installed on your machine:
Cloning the Repository
git clone
cd resume-builder
Install the project dependencies using bun:
bun install
Running the Project
bun run dev
Open http://localhost:5173 in your browser.
Make sure you're already Cloning and Running the Project on your machine. you can follow Quick Start if you haven't.
Open Config
Navigate to src/configs/resume.ts
and modify it with your profile
const ResumeBuilder: ResumeBuilderType = {
profile: {
// Your name
name: '',
// Your job role
role: '',
// Your Profile Photo
// You can use link to an image or import it from "/public" folder
photo: '',
// Your Summary or About Me
summary: '',
contact: {
// Your Email Address
mail: '',
// Your Current Location
// ex. East Jakarta, Indonesia
address: '',
// Your Phone Number
tel: {
number: '', // Phone Number
type: '', // 'whatsapp' or 'phone'
// Your Education History
educations: [
school: '', // School Name
degree: '', // ex. Universitas Brawijaya
date: '', // ex. 2019 or 2016-2019
// Your Skillsets
// ex. ['Typescript', 'ReactJS', 'Tailwind CSS']
skills: [],
// Your Social Media
socials: [
href: '', // Link
// Social Icon
// List of icons can be found at "/src/components/SocialIcon.type.ts"
icon: '',
// Your Work Experience
experiences: [
company: '', // Company name
jobType: {
// Job Tyoe
// Type is 'freelance' | 'internship' | 'contract' | 'full-time' | 'part-time'
type: '',
// Naming translate of "jobType.type"
// Ex. "Freelance" (English) >> "Pekerja Lepas" (Bahasa Indonesia)
translate: '',
date: '', // ex. Feb 2024 - Feb 2025
description: '', // Job description
Print your Resume
To print your resume, press "Ctrl+P" on Windows or "Cmd+P" on Mac to open print dialog.
After that, use this setting to print your resume
- Paper Size: A4
- Margins: None
- Background graphics: Yes/Checked
* Flaticon
* Original Source:
* Files:
* /public/logo.ico (Original: cv.png)
The content of this repository is provided under the MIT license by Sam1Dz.