The AI Digital Art Generator is a cutting-edge project developed using the MERN stack, harnessing the power of artificial intelligence to create stunning and realistic digital artworks in a matter of seconds. Leveraging the OpenAI API, this platform enables users to transform prompts and ideas into visually captivating digital art pieces with unparalleled realism.
production -
Home Page
Create Ai Digital Art
Clone the project
git clone
Go to the project client directory
cd AI-Digital-Art-Generator/client
Install dependencies
npm install
Start the clinet server
npm run dev
Go to the project server directory
cd AI-Digital-Art-Generator/server
Install dependencies
npm install
Start the server
npm start
open browser
Client: React, TailwindCSS
Server: Node, Express, MongoDB, openai, cloudinary
To run this project, you will need to add the following environment variables to your .env file
make .env file inside AI-Digital-Art-Generator/server
- create your own Ai Digital Art
- Post Your Digital Art on Our Community
## Server Dependencies
- [cloudinary]( - version 1.33.0
- [cors]( - version 2.8.5
- [dotenv]( - version 16.0.3
- [express]( - version 4.18.2
- [mongoose]( - version 6.8.2
- [nodemon]( - version 3.1.0
- [openai]( - version 4.33.0
## Client Dependencies
- [file-saver]( - version 2.0.5
- [file-server]( - version 2.2.1
- [react]( - version 18.2.0
- [react-dom]( - version 18.2.0
- [@types/react]( - version 18.2.66
- [@types/react-dom]( - version 18.2.22
- [@vitejs/plugin-react]( - version 4.2.1
- [autoprefixer]( - version 10.4.19
- [eslint]( - version 8.57.0
- [eslint-plugin-react]( - version 7.34.1
- [eslint-plugin-react-hooks]( - version 4.6.0
- [eslint-plugin-react-refresh]( - version 0.4.6
- [postcss]( - version 8.4.38
- [react-router-dom]( - version 6.22.3
- [tailwindcss]( - version 3.4.3
- [vite]( - version 5.2.0