This app is to vote for your favouite trending technologies.
Steps to run the Voting APP
- Install mongodb in your local machine and start the mongo server
- Create a DB named "Voting" and create a collection called "technologies".
- In that collection, insert the record with following content : { "_id" : "Tech", "ML" : 0, "Blockchain" : 0, "Serverless" : 0, "AR" : 0 }
- Unzip the code folder and open the command prompt
- Run following command "npm install", which will install all the dependencies needed to run the app
- Then run the command "nodemon" to run your application in local machine
- Open the url "http://localhost:3000" in your browser
- first register two users, one with username "admin" and another with username as your wish.
- when the user login with admin, he will be directed to Dashboard which shows the table of votes polled
- when the user login with other name, he will be directed to voting page, where he can vote fot the technologies.