Build a Restful CRUD API for a file and directory operations without actually creating them using Node.js, Express and MongoDB.
- clone the git repo , go to project folder and run the below command to install all dependencies
npm install --save
Update the database endpoint in config/database.config.js file with your mongodb connection string
Run Server
node server.js
You can use postman to test the apis at http://localhost:3000
- create folder
POST - http://localhost:3000/folder
payload :
"name" : "name of the folder (eg : "dir1")",
"path" : "existing directory (eg : "/test")"
- List all folders
GET - http://localhost:3000/folder/
3) Fetch single folder
GET - http://localhost:3000/folder/:folderId
4)Update folder name
PUT - http://localhost:3000/folder/:folderId
payload :
"name" : "name of the folder (eg : "dir1")",
"path" : "existing directory (eg : "/test")"
- Delete the folder
DELETE - http://localhost:3000/folder/:folderId
- create file
POST - http://localhost:3000/fileData
payload :
"name" : "name of the file (eg : "test.png")",
"folderId" : "Existing folderId"
2) List all files in a folder
GET - http://localhost:3000/fileData/:folderId
3)Update file name
PUT - http://localhost:3000/folder/:fileId
payload :
"name" : "name of the file"
- Delete the file
DELETE - http://localhost:3000/folder/:fileId
### For importing the requests directly to postman, import the file "FileFolderOperation.json" in postman