Welcome to my collection of Codewars challenges! This repository contains solutions to various coding problems that I've tackled on Codewars. Each solution is organized by programming language—Python, C, and Bash.
The repository is divided into three main folders based on the programming language used:
- Python Challenges: Solutions written in Python.
- C Challenges: Solutions written in C.
Each language folder is further organized by difficulty level, and each challenge has its own directory containing the solution and any related files.
To run these challenges on your local machine:
- Navigate to the Python challenge you want to run:
cd Python/7-kyu/challenge-name
- Run the solution:
python solution.py
- Navigate to the C challenge you want to run:
cd C/7-kyu/challenge-name
- Compile the solution:
gcc -o solution solution.c
- Run the solution:
By working through these challenges in Python, C, and Bash, I've aimed to:
- Enhance my problem-solving skills across different programming paradigms.
- Learn and apply language-specific best practices.
- Strengthen my understanding of algorithms, data structures, and system-level programming.
This repository is regularly updated as I continue to solve more challenges. Keep an eye out for new solutions!
You can also view my Codewars profile to see my overall progress and ranking.
Contributions, issues, and feature requests are welcome! Feel free to check the issues page if you want to contribute.