- Replace dependency on transforms3d pip package to tf_transformations. (#147)
- Added log for successful connection. (#149)
- Removed printing every time the checksum is checked. (#148)
- nmea_socket_driver fixes for ROS2 (#127) * Fix white space for PEP8 compliance * Fix socket driver for ROS2 Foxy * Add config file for socket driver * Decode bytes as ASCII
- Fix bug where ROS node is not assigned correctly (#114) Fixes #71
- Update launch file for ROS2 Foxy (#110) * Remove get_default_launch_description, which no longer exists. * Update the parameters of the Node initializer to the Foxy API.
- Update pyserial dependency to make it findable with rosdep (#109) This allows rosdep to find the correct serial package and install it.
- ROS2: Eloquent changes for python packages (#101) Fix some warnings when installing packages that first appear in ROS2 Eloquent: - A missing the resource folder - Not explicitly installing package.xml in the share folder.
- ROS2 updates for Dashing (#80) Change subscriptions and parameters to conform to API changes in ROS 2 Dashing.
- Remove scripts directory in favor of nodes subpackage (#77) Since these modules will no longer be called as scripts in ROS 2, move them to a nodes subpackage, and remove the option to call them as executables. Addresses #75 for ROS 2.
- Fix nmea_topic_serial_reader name (#74) - Fix #72 (no module name scripts.nmea_topic_serial_driver) - Fix exception handling in nmea_topic_serial_reader ('rclpy' has no attribute 'ROSInterruptException')
- Clean up launch file and make it runnable with ROS2 launch (#73) Fixes #70 - Rename config file and put it into a config directory. - Make setup.py install the launch and config files. - Rename the launch file with the .launch.py suffix used by OSRF packages. - Refactor the launch file so that it works with ros2 launch.
- Fix PEP8 Violations and update setup.cfg file for pycodestyle. (#69)
- Port to ROS 2 (#64) Initial work to port nmea_navsat_driver to ROS2 by @klintan.
- Add nmea_serial_driver launch file (#60) Add example nmea_serial_driver launch file.
- Remove automatic prefixing of forward slash to frame_id. (#33/#57) To be consistent with the current default behavior, the default frame_id has been set to /gps with the prepended forward slash.
- Add support for IMU aided GPS systems (#30/#58) * Add support for IMU aided GPS systems like the Applanix POS/MV, whose NMEA strings typically begin '$IN'. (e.g. $INGGA). * Add support for VTG messages, which contain Course Over Ground and Speed Made Good. These are useful when not using RMC messages and you don't have a heading sensor.
- Add support for publishing heading from GPHDT as a QuaternionStamped message on the topic /heading (#25)
- Improve Covariance Estimation (#46) Use GST covariance where available, otherwise uses default covariances estimated from fix type. The previous implementation set covariance to HDOP^2. Instead, it should multiply that by the measurement variance. HDOP should be greater than 1.0.
- Add Socket Driver (#32) Add a NMEA socket driver node, which is like the existing serial driver node, but instead of attaching to a TTY handle from a serial port, it listens to a UDP port for NMEA sentences.
- Add code to handle serial exception to allow node to exit cleanly (#52) - Catch Serial exceptions and exit cleanly, instead of printing Python stack trace. - Catch Serial exception when opening the serial port, log a FATAL message, and exit instead of printing Python stack trace.
- Remove MSL compensation (#36) Fix for #29 Altitude vs Elipsoid Height.
- Add GLONASS support GLONASS capable devices send different NMEA sentences, which are basically identical to the GPS sentences, but with other prefixes.
- Updated driver to accept status of 9 which some novatel receivers report for a WAAS (SBAS) fix. See http://www.novatel.com/support/known-solutions/which-novatel-position-types-correspond-to-the-gga-quality-indicator/
- Release to Jade.
- Fix remaining parse problem with NovAtel receivers (empty field specified for num_satellite).
- Add debug logging output to the parser (PR #8, Mike Purvis)
- Add queue size argument to publishers to fix warning on Indigo (PR #9, Mike Purvis)
- Add support for roslint and some related cleanup (PR #10, Mike Purvis)
- Initial release for Indigo
- Fix #5: Empty fields spam rosout with warnings. Driver now outputs sensor_msgs/NavSatFix messages that may contain NaNs in position and covariance when receiving invalid fixes from the device.
- Allow the driver to output velocity information anytime an RMC message is received
- Moved to nmea_navsat_driver package
- Removed .py extensions from new-in-Hydro scripts
- Now uses nmea_msgs/Sentence instead of custom sentence type
- nmea_topic_driver reads the frame_id parameter from the sentence, not from the parameter server
- Removed incorrect find_package dependencies
- Initial release for Hydro
- Converted to Catkin
- nmea_gps_driver.py is now deprecated and will be removed in I-Turtle. Replacement node is nmea_serial_driver.py .
- Refactored code into NMEA parser, common ROS driver and separate nodes for reading directly from serial or from topic.
- Bugs fixed: - nmea_gps_driver crashes when a sentence doesn't have a checksum * character ( http://kforge.ros.org/gpsdrivers/trac/ticket/4 ) - Add ability for nmea_gps_driver to support reading from string topic ( ros-drivers/nmea_gps_driver#1 ). Use the nmea_topic_driver.py node to get this support.
- Initial version (released into Fuerte)
- Supports GGA or RMC+GSA sentences to generate sensor_msgs/NavSatFix messages