Welcome to the EGW wiki! EGW(external gateway) run on dpdk. EGW is used for Layer-4/7 load balancer and NATGW and VPC cloud network.
- L4 Load Balancer: work for tunnel mode.
- L7 Load Balancer: Support http. FLow of https will be change to L4 LB.
- NAT gate way: Support dynamic nat and conntrack. Suitable for use as security gateway.
- VPC module: include vpc-lb and vpc-nat fuction. Support standard vxlan protocol.
- Security: Support TCP syn-proxy,UDP Anti Attack,Conntrack,url check.
- QoS: Traffic Control.
- Cluster: Support cluster sync by multicast and unicast. Integrated OSPF and BGP.
- Prober: Support fault detection like BFD.
- User-space IP stack (ARP, ICMP LLDP ...).
- Linux Distribution: CentOS 7.3
- Kernel: 3.10.0-514.el7.x86_64
- gcc version 4.8.5 20150623 (Red Hat 4.8.5-11) (GCC)
- CPU: Intel E5-2626 (User custom)
- NIC: E1000,Intel 82599,XL710.(User custom)
- Memory: 64G with two NUMA node.(User custom)
The purpose of licenseis to count the number of user. Please send "server Serial Number" to the the email([email protected]). I will return the licenseis to you as soon as possible.
git clone https://github.com/SDN-NFV-DEV/EGW.git
cd EGW/release/
tar -mzxf EGW_V1.0.tar.gz
./install_egw.bin all
cd /usr/local/egw/sbin/
vi egw_service.sh
cd /usr/local/egw/sbin/
egw log is at /data/egw/log/egw.log
Single super thread direction and same socket: 400wpps(64 byte)
Single super thread direction and different socket: 300wpps(64 byte)
email: [email protected]
qq group: 809768874