Simple php static gallery generator (less than 100 lines of code)
*Need PHP >= 5.3
- Download the script at
- Extract it on your web server
- Create a cron task like this :
* 1 * * * php /path/to/the/script/generate.php
- In the case of using the script in sub directory, you must specify the entire url to access him in config file like :
$galleryBase = '//';
- Create a VirtualHost that points to the gallery dir like
- Upload your pics and dirs in the gallery dir and wait for the cron do its job.
A config.php can be created to changing options of the script.
Availables vars are :
$imagePattern = '/([^.]+)\.(jpg|png|gif)/u'; // A pattern PCRE of specific pics (like png or gif format or your imagination of script use)
$galleryDir = 'gallery'; // If you want rename default gallery dirname
$templateDir = 'template'; // If you want rename default template dirname
$thumbsDir = '_thumbs'; // If you want rename default thumbs dirname (don't forger undescore)
$thumbsPath = $galleryDir . '/' . $thumbsDir; // ... Never change it, if you don't know what you do
$thumbWidth = 200; // Width of thumbs
$thumbRatio = array('4','3'); // Ratio of thumbs
$publicBase = ''; // In the case of using the script in sub directory, you must specify the entire url to access him here like /access/to/my/gallery
You just need to create a dir named _template
in your gallery dir,
This dir need this 5 files :
- index.html (gallery main page)
- firstimagetag.html (principal image tag)
- lastimagetag.html (in case if you are using javascript, you can use this for
section - directory.html (the sub dir view)
- ariane.html (the breadcumb)
Next files are optional :
- exif.html (in case if you want to display exif information from pictures)
For display elements, you must use tags syntax : {mytag}
in this files.
Availables tags are :
- {galleryPath} : Replaced by the the url of gallery
- {images} : Replaced by the base img tag
- {imagesNoScript} : Replace the no script img tag
- {imageUri} : Replaced by the url of current image
- {imageWidth} and {imageHeight} : Respectively replaced by the image width and height
- {thumbUri} : Replaced by the url of current thumb
- {thumbWidth} and {thumbHeight} : Respectively replaced by the thumb width and height
- {parentDir} Replaced by .. (parentDir) link if needed
- {subDirs} : Replaced by sub directories
- {ariane} : The breadcumb
- {currentDir} : Replaced by current dir name
- {comment} : Comment of current gallery (if comment.html file exists)
- imageComment} : Comment of each image (if img.html files exists)
- {exif} : Replaced by exif information of each picture
To display exif infos, you nedd to create exif.html
in your template dir.
In this file and put tags you want
The command line to launch is : php generate.php /path/to/another/path (if needed: /my/sub/dir/gallery)
Commande lines examples :
Script dir is on /var/www
and users galleries are in /home/{user1,userX}/~public/
and the url to access them are like :
php /var/www/piclist/generate.php /home/user1/~public/
php /var/www/piclist/generate.php /home/userX/~public/
Now, users have galleries on differents sub dirs. User1 in ~public/pictures , user2 ~/public/42/misc/perfect/images url to access them are
#User 1:
php /var/www/piclist/generate.php /home/user1/~public/pictures /pictures
php /var/www/piclist/generate.php /home/user2/~public/42/misc/perfect/images /42/misc/perfect/images
Users can theming galleries with _template dir in galleries root.
Just create sub directories and upload your pictures.