Analyze your WhatsApp chats to gain insights about your conversations, including top contributors, most active days, word clouds, and more!
- Chat Statistics: Overview of total messages, words, media, and links.
- Top Contributors: Identify who is most active in the group.
- Word Cloud: Visualize frequently used words in the chat.
- Most Active Days: Determine the days with the highest message activity.
- Message Trends: Understand how message frequency changes over time.
- Custom Filters: Filter messages by user or specific date ranges.
- Python: Core programming language.
- Pandas: For data manipulation and analysis.
- Matplotlib & Seaborn: For creating insightful visualizations.
- Streamlit: To build an interactive and user-friendly web app.
- Render: For hosting and deploying the web app.
Check out the live demo of the project: WhatsApp Chat Analysis
Follow these steps to run the project locally:
Clone this repository:
git clone <>
Navigate to the project directory:
cd whatsapp-chat-analysis
Install the required dependencies:
pip install -r requirements.txt
Run the Streamlit app:
streamlit run
Open the app in your browser at
- Export your WhatsApp chat in
format. - Upload the chat file in the app.
- Explore the analysis provided by the app.
- Adding support for multimedia content analysis.
- Multi-language support for chats in different languages.
- Sentiment analysis of messages.
Contributions are welcome! Feel free to open an issue or submit a pull request for any improvements.
Special thanks to all who inspired and supported this project.