This repository contains the code written using ROS2, by RoboFEI team, which is currently used in our physical robots.
It is divided in 8 packages:
- control: contains the code related to the robots motion and its parameters;
- custom_interfaces: contains all the custom interfaces used in the code;
- decision: contains the code responsible for the robots decision;
- GC: contains the code responsible for the robots communication with the game controller;
- localization_pkg: contains the code responsible for the robots localization;
- robotis_ws: contains the code responsible for the robots communication with its motors;
- start: contains the launch file to run all the nodes at once;
- um7: contains the code responsible for getting IMU measurements;
- vision_pkg: contains the code responsible for the robots vision.
First, download this repo from github:
$ git clone
Then, install ROS2 Humble and all the libraries that are used in our code:
$ ./
Compile all the packages, in the source folder (if there are more folders besides src delete them):
$ colcon build --symlink-install
Setup the environment:
$ source install/setup.bash
Run all codes at once:
$ ros2 launch start
Run the codes separately:
$ ros2 launch control
$ ros2 run decision_pkg decision_node
$ ros2 run controller talker
$ ros2 run um7 um7_node
$ ros2 run localization_pkg localization_node --mcl -l -g
$ ros2 run dynamixel_sdk_examples read_write_node
$ ros2 run vision_pkg vision --vb