#RoboFEI-HT: Artificial Intelligence and Simulator
AI is built upon the Cross Architecture [1] [2]. Some methods used for the Vision System can be found in [3] and [4]. A Control technique applied to improve the robot's stability can be found in [5]. A qualitative localization studied for the robot can be found in [6].
- compile the code of the robot running ./setup.sh
RoboFEI-HT simulator used for developing AI (decision, localization, planning etc).
- Once the AI is compiled, run ./start_simulator.sh for running the simulator and the AI
Robots: It is possible to change the position of the robots by pressing the number of the robot + INSERT. Example: if I want to change robot 1 position I will press 1 followed by INSERT. The robot will be moved following the mouse pointer position. The orientation will be random.
Ball: It is possible to change the position of the ball by pressing b.The ball will be moved following the mouse pointer position.
F1: opens a help with all the possible commands in the simulator.
This program was tested in Ubuntu 14.04 LTS 64 bits
- Main Dependencies:
- cmake
- g++
- python 2.7
- python-pygame
- python-numpy
- python-opencv
GNU GENERAL PUBLIC LICENSE. Version 3, 29 June 2007