Player PVP and PVE stats with ranking, rewards and UI.
- Stores player stats in a JSON file or MySQL database
- Displays player stats, playtime, ranking, and session stats using commands
- Supports PVP (Kills) and PVE (Zombie Kills) ranking
- Permission group rewards for reaching a certain number of kills
- Automatic migration from Arechi PlayerStats plugin
- UI for PVP/PVE stats
PVP Stats: Kills, Deaths, KDR, HS%
PVE Stats: Zombies, Mega Zombies, Animals, Resources, Harvests, Fish
configuration options:
- The/stats
command will display both PVP and PVE stats, but the ranking, rewards and UI will be based on PVP statsPVP
- The/stats
command will display only PVP stats, and the ranking, rewards and UI will be based on PVP statsPVE
- The/stats
command will display only PVE stats, and the ranking, rewards and UI will be based on PVE stats
UI made by đź’Ş Soer (Unbeaten). He also sponsored the creation of this plugin đź’¸.
The UI is optional and only for PVP stats. You can use the following workshop item to display the stats in-game.
Player Stats UI - 3352126593
đź’ˇ PRO TIP
Remember to set<EnableUIEffect>true</EnableUIEffect>
to true in the configuration file to enable the UI.
/playtime [player]
- Displays your or other player's playtime/stats [player]
- Displays your or other player's stats/rank [player]
- Displays your or other player's ranking/sstats [player]
- Displays your or other player's session stats (since they joined)/splaytime [player]
- Displays your or other player's session playtime (since they joined)/ranking
- Displays the top players ranking/statsui
- Toggles the stats UI
<Permission Cooldown="0">playtime</Permission>
<Permission Cooldown="0">stats</Permission>
<Permission Cooldown="0">rank</Permission>
<Permission Cooldown="0">sstats</Permission>
<Permission Cooldown="0">splaytime</Permission>
<Permission Cooldown="0">ranking</Permission>
<Permission Cooldown="0">statsui</Permission>
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<PlayerStatsConfiguration xmlns:xsd="" xmlns:xsi="">
<Reward Name="VIP Rank" Treshold="50" PermissionGroup="vip" />
<Reward Name="MVP Rank" Treshold="125" PermissionGroup="mvp" />
<?xml version="1.0" encoding="utf-8"?>
<Translations xmlns:xsd="" xmlns:xsi="">
<Translation Id="StatsCommandSyntax" Value="You must specify player name or steamID." />
<Translation Id="PlayerStatsNotLoaded" Value="Player stats are not loaded for [[b]]{0}.[[/b]] Please try again later." />
<Translation Id="PlayerNotFound" Value="Player [[b]]{0}[[/b]] not found." />
<Translation Id="YourPVPStats" Value="[[b]]Your[[/b]] PVP stats | Kills: [[b]]{0}[[/b]], Deaths: [[b]]{1}[[/b]], KDR: [[b]]{2}[[/b]], HS%: [[b]]{3}[[/b]]" />
<Translation Id="YourPVEStats" Value="[[b]]Your[[/b]] PVE stats | Zombies: [[b]]{0}[[/b]], Mega Zombies: [[b]]{1}[[/b]], Animals: [[b]]{2}[[/b]], Resources: [[b]]{3}[[/b]], Harvests: [[b]]{4}[[/b]], Fish: [[b]]{5}[[/b]]" />
<Translation Id="OtherPVPStats" Value="[[b]]{0}[[/b]] PVP stats | Kills: [[b]]{1}[[/b]], Deaths: [[b]]{2}[[/b]], KDR: [[b]]{3}[[/b]], HS%: [[b]]{4}[[/b]]" />
<Translation Id="OtherPVEStats" Value="[[b]]{0}[[/b]] PVE stats | Zombies: [[b]]{1}[[/b]], Mega Zombies: [[b]]{2}[[/b]], Animals: [[b]]{3}[[/b]], Resources: [[b]]{4}[[/b]], Harvests: [[b]]{5}[[/b]], Fish: [[b]]{6}[[/b]]" />
<Translation Id="PlaytimeCommandSyntax" Value="You must specify player name or steamID." />
<Translation Id="YourPlaytime" Value="You have played for [[b]]{0}[[/b]]" />
<Translation Id="OtherPlaytime" Value="[[b]]{0}[[/b]] has played for [[b]]{1}[[/b]]" />
<Translation Id="RankCommandSyntax" Value="You must specify player name or steamID." />
<Translation Id="YourPlayerPVPRanking" Value="Your rank is [[b]]#{0}[[/b]] with {1} kills" />
<Translation Id="OtherPlayerPVPRanking" Value="[[b]]{0}[[/b]] rank is [[b]]#{1}[[/b]] with {2} kills." />
<Translation Id="YourPlayerPVERanking" Value="Your rank is [[b]]#{0}[[/b]] with {1} zombie kills." />
<Translation Id="OtherPlayerPVERanking" Value="[[b]]{0}[[/b]] rank is [[b]]#{1}[[/b]] with {2} zombie kills." />
<Translation Id="RankingListHeaderPVP" Value="[[b]]Top {0} Players by Kills[[/b]]" />
<Translation Id="RankingListItemPVP" Value="[[b]]#{0}[[/b]] [[b]]{1}[[/b]] - {2} kills" />
<Translation Id="RankingListHeaderPVE" Value="[[b]]Top {0} Players by Zombie Kills[[/b]]" />
<Translation Id="RankingListItemPVE" Value="[[b]]#{0}[[/b]] [[b]]{1}[[/b]] - {2} zombie kills" />
<Translation Id="YouAreUnrankedPVP" Value="You are unranked because you have [[b]]{0}/{1}[[/b]] kills. " />
<Translation Id="OtherPlayerIsUnrankedPVP" Value="[[b]]{0}[[/b]] is unranked because they have [[b]]{1}/{2}[[/b]] kills." />
<Translation Id="YouAreUnrankedPVE" Value="You are unranked because you have [[b]]{0}/{1}[[/b]] zombie kills. " />
<Translation Id="OtherPlayerIsUnrankedPVE" Value="[[b]]{0}[[/b]] is unranked because they have [[b]]{1}/{2}[[/b]] zombie kills." />
<Translation Id="NoRankingPlayersFound" Value="There isn't any players qualified for ranking yet." />
<Translation Id="StatsUIEffectDisabled" Value="Stats UI is not enabled on this server." />
<Translation Id="StatsUIDisabled" Value="Stats UI has been disabled" />
<Translation Id="StatsUIEnabled" Value="Stats UI has been enabled" />
<Translation Id="RewardReceivedPVP" Value="You received [[b]]{0}[[/b]] reward for {1} kills." />
<Translation Id="RewardReceivedPVE" Value="You received [[b]]{0}[[/b]] reward for {1} zombie kills." />
<Translation Id="YourPVPSessionStats" Value="[[b]]Your[[/b]] PVP session stats | Kills: [[b]]{0}[[/b]], Deaths: [[b]]{1}[[/b]], KDR: [[b]]{2}[[/b]], HS%: [[b]]{3}[[/b]]" />
<Translation Id="OtherPVPSessionStats" Value="[[b]]{0}[[/b]] PVP session stats | Kills: [[b]]{1}[[/b]], Deaths: [[b]]{2}[[/b]], KDR: [[b]]{3}[[/b]], HS%: [[b]]{4}[[/b]]" />
<Translation Id="YourPVESessionStats" Value="[[b]]Your[[/b]] PVE session stats | Zombies: [[b]]{0}[[/b]], Mega Zombies: [[b]]{1}[[/b]], Animals: [[b]]{2}[[/b]], Resources: [[b]]{3}[[/b]], Harvests: [[b]]{4}[[/b]], Fish: [[b]]{5}[[/b]]" />
<Translation Id="OtherPVESessionStats" Value="[[b]]{0}[[/b]] PVE session stats | Zombies: [[b]]{1}[[/b]], Mega Zombies: [[b]]{2}[[/b]], Animals: [[b]]{3}[[/b]], Resources: [[b]]{4}[[/b]], Harvests: [[b]]{5}[[/b]], Fish: [[b]]{6}[[/b]]" />
<Translation Id="SessionStatsCommandSyntax" Value="You must specify player name or steamID." />
<Translation Id="SessionPlaytimeCommandSyntax" Value="You must specify player name or steamID." />
<Translation Id="YourSessionPlaytime" Value="You have played for [[b]]{0}[[/b]] since you joined." />
<Translation Id="OtherSessionPlaytime" Value="[[b]]{0}[[/b]] has played for [[b]]{1}[[/b]] since they joined." />
<Translation Id="JoinMessage" Value="[[b]][#{0}] {1}[[/b]] joined the server." />
<Translation Id="LeaveMessage" Value="[[b]][#{0}] {1}[[/b]] left the server." />
<Translation Id="JoinMessageNoRank" Value="[[b]]{0}[[/b]] joined the server." />
<Translation Id="LeaveMessageNoRank" Value="[[b]]{0}[[/b]] left the server." />
<Translation Id="Day" Value="1 day" />
<Translation Id="Days" Value="{0} days" />
<Translation Id="Hour" Value="1 hour" />
<Translation Id="Hours" Value="{0} hours" />
<Translation Id="Minute" Value="1 minute" />
<Translation Id="Minutes" Value="{0} minutes" />
<Translation Id="Second" Value="1 second" />
<Translation Id="Seconds" Value="{0} seconds" />
<Translation Id="Zero" Value="a moment" />
<Translation Id="UI_NextReward" Value="Next Reward: {0}" />
<Translation Id="UI_RewardProgress" Value="{0}/{1} Kills" />
<Translation Id="UI_Kills" Value="KILLS" />
<Translation Id="UI_Deaths" Value="DEATHS" />
<Translation Id="UI_Headshots" Value="HS" />
<Translation Id="UI_Accuracy" Value="HS%" />
<Translation Id="UI_Rank" Value="RANK" />
<Translation Id="UI_KDR" Value="K/D" />
<Translation Id="UI_Footer" Value="Use /statsui to hide" />
<Translation Id="UI_RewardProgressPVE" Value="{0}/{1} Zombies" />
<Translation Id="UI_ZombieKills" Value="ZOMBIES" />
<Translation Id="UI_MegaZombieKills" Value="MEGAS" />
<Translation Id="UI_AnimalKills" Value="ANIMALS" />
<Translation Id="UI_ResourcesGathered" Value="GATHERS" />
<Translation Id="UI_PVEDeaths" Value="DEATHS" />