Caesar Cipher Tool 🔐
This project is a simple Caesar Cipher Tool built during my internship at Prodigy InfoTech. It’s designed to encrypt and decrypt messages using the classic Caesar Cipher technique.
Project Overview 🚀
The Caesar Cipher is one of the oldest encryption techniques where each letter in the plaintext is shifted by a certain number of positions in the alphabet. This tool allows users to:
Encrypt: Convert plaintext into ciphertext by shifting letters by a given key.
Decrypt: Reverse the process and retrieve the original message.
Features ✨ User-friendly interface to easily encrypt or decrypt text. Allows custom shift keys for flexibility. Built with simplicity and efficiency in mind for quick demonstrations of basic encryption concepts.
Technologies Used 🛠️ Language: Python 🐍 IDE: Visual Studio Code 💻
Contributing 🤝 Contributions are welcome! If you'd like to enhance this project or fix issues, feel free to submit a pull request or raise an issue. Let's collaborate and improve together.
Acknowledgments 🙏 This project was built as part of an internship at Prodigy InfoTech. Special thanks to the team for their support and guidance throughout this journey.