Jakub Danek and Premek Brada
NTIS -- New Technologies for the Information Society,
Faculty of Applied Sciences,
University of West Bohemia,
Univerzitni 8, 306 14 Pilsen
Czech Republic
This experiment verifies validity of ILP model for finding transitive closure of software components.
Scenarios S1 - S3 cover the same functionality as had been provided by the original ILP model.
Scenarios S4 - S6 cover transitive closure functionality.
Main Provider - component satisfying the requested requirement set (or its part).
Transitive Dependency - component satisfying requirements of a main provider.
- S1 Void - no requirements satisfied by components inside repository
- empty result
- no cost-based selection
- S2 Single - all requirements satisfied by single component without transitive dependencies
- single component returned
- cost-based selection
- repository contains multiple viable candidates
- S3 Multiple - all requirements satisfied by a set of components without transitive dependencies
- multiple components returned
- cost-based selection
- repository contains multiple viable candidates
- S4 Void Transitive - all requirements are satisfied by a component with transitive dependencies,
but one of the dependencies is missing.
- empty result
- repository contains single viable candidate, but no transitive providers
- S5 Single Transitive - all requirements are satisfied by a single component with transitive
- multiple components returned - main provider with its dependencies
- cost-based selection
- repository contains multiple viable candidates for both main provider and its transitive dependency
- S6 Multiple Transitive - all requirements satisfied by a set of components with own transitive dependencies
- multiple components returned
- cost-based selection
- repository contains multiple viable candidates for both main providers and their dependencies
This experiment is realized using simple component-based parking lot simulation.
Title TBD, Transitive Closure by Jakub Danek, Premek Brada is licensed under a Creative Commons Attribution-NonCommercial-ShareAlike 4.0 International License.