Releases: RelativityMC/C2ME-fabric
C2ME Preview channel for Minecraft 1.21.4 is released
A small batch of updates for stable release users.
- fix: properly map simulation distance to vanilla map
- fix: block non-block-ticking chunks from ticking block entities
- fix: full lithium 0.14.5+ compatibility
- fix: ensure item is nonnull
- fix: dfc issues with some worldgen datapacks
C2ME Preview channel for Minecraft 1.21.4 is released
This release fixes a bug causing mobs in normal border chunks not being counted towards mobcaps. (#388)
C2ME 0.3.1 for Minecraft 1.21.4 is released
Brief changelog:
- new: scalable no-tick view distance, allowing 300+ render distances
Also heavily increased the loading speed of no-tick chunks. - new: basic deadlock debugging facilities
- new: strict detection for scheduled tick access
- perf: turn fluid postprocessing into scheduled tick
- perf: allow unloading to be cancelled
- fix: lighting desync with notickvd
- fix: sync block entities when postprocessed
- fix: ghost mushroom outside of simulation distance, again
- fix: handle reentrance in
- fix: prevent stalling when syncing player tickets
C2ME Preview channel 0.3.1+rc.1 for Minecraft 1.21.4 is released
The first release candidate for 1.21.4, fixing a critical bug.
- fix: handle reentrance in ServerEntityManager#unloadChunks
C2ME Preview channel 0.3.1+beta.2 for Minecraft 1.21.4 is released
The second beta release for 1.21.4, fixing critical bugs.
- fix: missed threading fixes in stronghold and nether fortress
- fix: silence RandomizedIntBlockStateProvider
- fix: ghost mushrooms issue, again
- fix: postprocessing list serialization in gcFreeChunkSerializer
- chore: remove irrelevant WeightedList fix
C2ME Preview channel 0.3.1+beta.1 for Minecraft 1.21.4 is released
First beta for 1.21.4.
- new: turn fluid postprocessing into scheduled tick
- new: scalable no-tick view distance, allowing usable 300+ render distance
- fix: lighting desync with notickvd
- fix: holder level leaking into vanilla ticket manager
- fix: top section poi not unloaded
- fix: sync block entities when doing post-processing
C2ME 0.3.0 for Minecraft 1.21.3 is released
Key highlights:
- Partially rewrites the chunk system. This release introduces a dead simple implementation of the scheduling subsystem designed to perform reliably under high load. It eliminates the need of complex workarounds caused by design pitfalls of the vanilla chunk system.
- Introduces the density function compiler. This new optimization accelerates world generation datapacks by up to 30% by compiling them into JVM bytecode, avoiding all kinds of overhead caused by interface method calls.
Brief changelog:
- perf: chunk system rewrite
- perf: native acceleration v2
- perf: density function compiler v0
- perf: optimize aquifer heavily
- perf: consolidate light update notifications
- perf: reduce GC pressure when using some datapacks
- new: add ext_render_distance_v1 protocol for 127+ RD multiplayer
- new: log changed settings on startup
- new: actually unload POI
- new: uncap render distance in VulkanMod
- fix: mitigate ghost mushroom past simulation distance
- fix: improve player ticket consistency
- fix: very rare NPE in
- change: use twice the parallelism for notickvd max concurrent loads
- change: disable density function compiler by default
- change: adjust thread count allocation
C2ME 0.3.0 Release Candidate 2 for Minecraft 1.21.3 is released
The second release candidate, fixing critical issues. Please put this RC through testing, as your feedback is invaluable in finding any remaining critical issues.
Changelog since 0.3.0+rc.1
- fix: absurdly high scheduling latency on Windows
C2ME 0.3.0 Release Candidate 1 for Minecraft 1.21.3 is released
The first release candidate. Please put this RC through testing, as your feedback is invaluable in finding any remaining critical issues.
Changelog since 0.3.0+beta.2
- fix(nativeaccel): workaround compiler bug in some versions of clang
- fix(dfc): avoid disconnecting caches
- change: enable dfc by default once again