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Rekord Validation

Build Status devDependency Status Dependency Status License Alpha

Rekord is a javascript REST ORM that is offline and real-time capable.

rekord-validation adds rules, expressions, transforms, and custom validation functionality.


The easiest way to install rekord-validation is through bower via bower install rekord-validation.

  • rekord-validation.js is 48KB (8.32KB gzipped)
  • rekord-validation.min.js is 19KB (5.69KB gzipped)


// Simplest rule definition
var Task = Rekord({
  name: 'task',
  fields: ['name', 'details', 'done', 'done_at'],
  validation: {
    rules: {
      name: 'required|alpha_dash',
      details: '$custom', // custom function
      done: 'yesno',
      done_at: 'if:done:accepted|required|date_like'
    required: true // the rules must pass to $save model instances
  methods: {
    $custom: function(value, getAlias, specifiedMessage, chain) {
      if ( value.length > 140 ) {
        return 'Details can be no larger than 140 characters.'

var t0 = new Task({name: '^', done: true, details: '0...141'});
t0.$valid; // false
t0.$validationMessages; // array of below messages
t0.$validations; /* {
  name: 'name should only contain alpha-numeric characters, dashes, and underscores.',
  details: 'Details can be no larger than 140 characters.',
  done_at: 'done_at is required.'
} */

// You can use aliases to make messages friendlier
var Task = Rekord({
  name: 'task',
  fields: ['name', 'done', 'done_at'],
  validation: {
    rules: {
      name: 'required|alpha_dash',
      done: 'yesno',
      done_at: 'if:done:accepted|required|date_like'
    aliases: {
      name: 'Task name',
      done: 'Task completed',
      done_at: 'Task completed at'

var t1 = new Task({name: '', done: false});
t1.$validate(); /* {
  name: 'Task name is required.'
} */

var t2 = new Task({name: 'task2', done: true, done_at: 'not date'});
t2.$validate(); /* {
  done_at: 'Task completed at must be a valid date.'
} */

// You can specify field level custom messages
var Task = Rekord({
  name: 'task',
  fields: ['name', 'done', 'done_at'],
  validation: {
    rules: {
      name: 'required|alpha_dash',
      done: 'yesno',
      done_at: 'if:done:accepted|required|date_like'
    messages: {
      name: 'Task name is required and must be alpha-numeric and can contain dashes and hyphens.',
      done_at: 'When a task is completed, the completed date is required.'

var t3 = new Task({name: '?', done: true, done_at: 'not date'});
t3.$validate(); /* {
  name: 'Task name is required and must be alpha-numeric and can contain dashes and hyphens.',
  done_at: 'When a task is completed, the completed date is required.'
} */

// You can specify rule level custom messages
var Task = Rekord({
  name: 'task',
  fields: ['name', 'done', 'done_at'],
  validation: {
    rules: {
      name: {
        'required': false, // defaults to field level - then default
        'alpha_dash': 'Task name must be alpha-numeric and can contain dashes and hyphens.'
      done: 'yesno',
      done_at: {
        'if:done:accepted': false, // defaults to field level - then default
        'required': 'Task completed date is required when the task is complete.',
        'date_like': 'Task completed date must be a valid date when the task is complete.'
    aliases: {
      name: 'Task name'

var t4 = new Task({name: '?', done: true, done_at: 'not date'});
t4.$validate(); /* {
  name: 'Task name must be alpha-numeric and can contain dashes and hyphens.',
  done_at: 'Task completed date must be a valid date when the task is complete.'
} */

var t5 = new Task({done: true});
t5.$validate(); /* {
  name: 'Task name is required.',
  done_at: 'Task completed date is required when the task is complete.'
} */

// There are even more specific ways to define rules - depending on the rule.
// Check out the tests!


  • "date like": number (millis since Unix Epoch), Date object, or string that can be parsed with Date.parse
  • "number like": number or a string that begins with a number



  • accepted: The field must be an accepted value (1, yes, on, y, or true)
  • after:date: If the field is like a date, it must be after the given date expression
  • after_on:date: If the field is like a date, it must be on or after the given date expression
  • before:date: If the field is like a date, it must be before the given date expression
  • before_on:date: If the field is like a date, it must be on or before the given date expression
  • date_like: The field must look like a date (Date, number, or valid date string)
  • required_if:field,value0,valueN: The field is required is another field has any of the given values
  • required_unless:field,value0,valueN: The field is required if another field does not have any of the given values
  • confirmed:field: The field must match another field
  • different:field: The field must NOT match another field
  • if_valid:field0,fieldN: The rules following this one for this field will not be executed if any of the fields are invalid at this point in time in validation
  • required_with:field0,fieldN: The field is required if any of the fields have a non-empty value
  • required_with_all:field0,fieldN: The field is required if all of the fields have a non-empty value
  • required_without:field0,fieldN: The field is required if any of the fields have an empty value
  • required_without_all:field0,fieldN: The field is required if all of the fields have an empty value
  • exists exists:models exists:models,field: The field value must exist in the given database (models - or this if none specified) in the given field (this field if not given)
  • unique unique:models unique:models,field: The field value must NOT exist in the given database (models - or this if none specified) in the given field (this field if not given)
  • if:rule0\|ruleN: The rules following this one for this field will not be executed unless all rules pass
  • if_any:rule0\|ruleN: The rules following this one for this field will not be executed unless at lease one rule passes
  • if_not:rule0\|ruleN: The rules following this one for this field will only be executed if all rules fail
  • in:value0,valueN: This field must have a value in the given values
  • not_in:value0,valueN: This field must NOT have a value in the given values
  • between:start,end: This field must have a size between (inclusive) the start and end (string, number, array, or object)
  • not_between:start,end: This field must NOT have a size between (inclusive) the start and end (works with strings, numbers, arrays, object keys)
  • alpha: The field should only contain alphabetic characters
  • alpha_dash: The field should only contain alpha-numeric characters, dashes, and underscores
  • alpha_num: The field should only contain alpha-numeric characters
  • email: The field should look like an email
  • url: The field should look like a URL
  • uri: The field should look like a URI
  • phone: The field should look like a phone number
  • regex:/rgx/: The field should pass the regular expression
  • required: The field must be a non-empty value
  • min:number: The field must be at least number in size (string, number, array, or object)
  • greater_than:number: The field must be greater than number in size (string, number, array, or object)
  • max:number: The field must be no more than number in size (string, number, array, or object)
  • less_than:number: The field must be less than number in size (string, number, array, or object)
  • equal:number: The field must be equal to number in size (string, number, array, or object)
  • not_equal:number: The field must not be equal to number in size (string, number, array, or object)
  • array: The field must be an instance of Array
  • object: The field must be an object (arrays count as objects)
  • string: The field must be a string
  • number: The field must be a number
  • boolean: The field must be a boolean
  • model: The field must be a model instance
  • whole: The field must look like a whole number
  • numeric: The field must look like a number
  • yesno: The field must look like a boolean (true, t, yes, y, 1, false, f, no, n, 0)


  • contains:field,value: The relation field must contain a model with at least one field matching the given value
  • not_contains:field,value: The relation field must NOT contain a model with at least one field matching the given value
  • validate: The relation field must contain all valid models


Expressions can be passed to rules (like date rules) and are generated on validation

  • MM/dd/yyyy: Parses to a date time
  • field: Takes a field value from the model being validated
  • -1 day: Relative amount of time from current time (+-)N (ms,s,min,hr,day,month,wk,yr)
  • today: Todays date (start of day)
  • tomorrow: Tomorrows date (start of day)
  • yesterday: Yesterdays date (start of day)


Transforms modify the value being validated so all subsequent rules use the modified values. Some transforms can apply the modified value back to the model after validation.

  • trim: If the field value is a string, return the trimmed value

  • abs: If the field value looks like a number, parse it and return the absolute value

  • ceil: If the field value looks like a number, parse it and return the ceiling value

  • floor: If the field value looks like a number, parse it and return the floored value

  • round: If the field value looks like a number, parse it and return the rounded value

  • endOfDay: If the field value looks like a date, return its end of day

  • startOfDay: If the field value looks like a date, return its start of day

  • base64: Base64 encode the current value

  • unbase64: Un-base64 the current value

  • filter: If the field value is an array or object, remove the null and undefined properties/elements

  • mod:number: If the field value looks like a number, parse it and return the remainder to the division between the field value and number

  • null: Apply null back to the model (can be used in conjuction with if)

  • apply: Apply the currently transformed value back to the model