This is a PHP client for Yahoo Finance API.
Since YQL APIs have been discontinued in November 2017, this client is using non-official API endpoints for quotes, search and historical data.
Download via Composer:
composer require scheb/yahoo-finance-api
Alternatively you can also add the package directly to composer.json:
"require": {
"scheb/yahoo-finance-api": "^4.0"
and then tell Composer to install the package:
composer update scheb/yahoo-finance-api
use Scheb\YahooFinanceApi\ApiClient;
use Scheb\YahooFinanceApi\ApiClientFactory;
use GuzzleHttp\Client;
// Create a new client from the factory
$client = ApiClientFactory::createApiClient();
// Or use your own Guzzle client and pass it in
$options = [/*...*/];
$guzzleClient = new Client($options);
$client = ApiClientFactory::createApiClient($guzzleClient);
// Returns an array of Scheb\YahooFinanceApi\Results\SearchResult
$searchResult = $client->search("Apple");
// Returns an array of Scheb\YahooFinanceApi\Results\HistoricalData
$historicalData = $client->getHistoricalQuoteData(
new \DateTime("-14 days"),
new \DateTime("today")
// Retrieve dividends history, returns an array of Scheb\YahooFinanceApi\Results\DividendData
$dividendData = $client->getHistoricalDividendData(
new \DateTime("-5 years"),
new \DateTime("today")
// Retrieve stock split history, returns an array of Scheb\YahooFinanceApi\Results\SplitData
$splitData = $client->getHistoricalSplitData(
new \DateTime("-5 years"),
new \DateTime("today")
// Returns Scheb\YahooFinanceApi\Results\Quote
$exchangeRate = $client->getExchangeRate("USD", "EUR");
// Returns an array of Scheb\YahooFinanceApi\Results\Quote
$exchangeRates = $client->getExchangeRates([
["USD", "EUR"],
["EUR", "USD"],
// Returns Scheb\YahooFinanceApi\Results\Quote
$quote = $client->getQuote("AAPL");
// Returns an array of Scheb\YahooFinanceApi\Results\Quote
$quotes = $client->getQuotes(["AAPL", "GOOG"]);
Version | Status | PHP Version |
1.x | EOL | >= 5.3.0 |
2.x | EOL | >= 5.6.0 |
3.x | EOL | >= 5.6.0 |
4.x | Maintained | >= 7.1.3 |
This library is available under the MIT license.
Want to contribute to this project? See
I'm developing this library since 2014. I love to hear from people using it, giving me the motivation to keep working on my open source projects.
If you want to let me know you're finding it useful, please consider giving it a star ⭐ on GitHub.
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