Warning: This is highly out of date, and will not work with newer discord.js versions, and has some pretty serious dependency security issues. V2 is coming out soon. A simple base class for discord.js bots.
Almost everything is already set up, so getting started isn't very complicated. The current configuration is designed to have a config file named config.json
with the token
property set your bot's token. There currently isn't support for server by server configuration, but that is to be expected shortly.
This is a simple example of a ping command's code. Put command files in the commands
folder by default.
// Import base command
const Base = require("../base/Command");
// Create a class for the command that extends the base command
class Ping extends Base {
constructor(client) {
// Initialise base command and pass data - all properties except name are optional
super(client, {
name: "ping",
description: "Pings the bot.",
usage: "", // Usage does not include the command - it is simply the arguments passed
category: "Information",
cooldown: 1000,
aliases: ["pong"],
// permLevel is interchangable with permission, although you can have both
permLevel: 0,
permission: "READ_MESSAGES"
run(message, args) {
// Respond with the time between now and when the user sent their message
super.respond(`Pong! Took ${Date.now() - message.createdAt}ms.`);
// Export the class
module.exports = Ping;
There will register an event. Put events in the events
folder by default. Events do not have a name property - the name will be fetched from the file name.
// Create a class for the event
class Error {
constructor(client) {
this.client = client;
run(error) {
console.log(`Websocket error:\n${error}`);
// Export the class
module.exports = Error;