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simple driver to use ESP32 boards as WiFi module via AT command firmware


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simple driver made in Zig to use ESP32 boards as WiFi module via AT command firmware

AT command firmware for ESP modules (32/8266) is a simple and inexpensive way to add wireless connection to embedded devices, although it is more limited than conventional RF modules, ESP modules abstract much of the network stack, allowing their use in more limited devices.

Important: This driver is still under development, invalid inputs may cause deadlocks or breaks

Recommended Espressif AT Firmware Version: Minimum Espressif AT Firmware Version:

Warning: for Ai-thinker modules such as ESP-01 or ESP-12. Boantong AT firmware (AT =< 1.7) is not supported, and Espressif firmware ( is not compatible with the pin layout of these boards, to use them it is necessary to customize the firmware to ESP8266, if you don't know how to do this follow this guide: custom pin AT

Supported Features

  • WiFi STA/AP/AP+STA modes
  • WiFi static IP and DHCP config
  • WiFi protocol config
  • Multi conn support
  • TCP/UDP Client
  • TCP Server
  • Server + Client mode
  • passive and active recv mode (for All sockets)

Get started

What is ESP-AT?

The ESP-AT firmware is an official firmware provided by Espressif Systems for their ESP8266 and ESP32 series of microcontrollers. It transforms the ESP module into a device that can be controlled via standard AT commands over a serial interface.

AT commands, which are simple text-based instructions, enable the configuration and operation of the ESP module without requiring the user to write custom firmware. These commands can be used to perform tasks such as:

Configuring Wi-Fi connections (e.g., connecting to an access point or setting up as a Wi-Fi hotspot)
Sending and receiving data over TCP/UDP or HTTP protocols
Managing low-power modes
Accessing additional features, like Bluetooth (on ESP32) or GPIO control

The ESP-AT firmware is particularly suitable for applications where the ESP chip is used as a peripheral communication module controlled by another host device, such as a microcontroller or a computer. By using this firmware, developers can focus on the integration and higher-level functionalities of their system without delving into the complexities of programming the ESP chip itself.

How this driver works

This driver is made in a modular way, where parse of AT commands (Runner) are separated from the device features (Devices)

Allowing the user to choose between the implementations they want to use without additional memory cost


To start using this driver it is necessary to create a runner to communicate with the ESP, this can be done with the: StandartRunner.runner(Config)

Config is a struct that defines the inner workings of the driver, it contains the following fields:

  • RX_size: input buffer size, minimum: 128 bytes, default value: 2046 bytes.
  • TX_event_pool: Event buffer size, minimum: 10 events, default value: 25.
  • network_recv_size: Network buffer size, minimum: 128 bytes, default value: 2046 bytes.

with the type created, just initialize it with: init(TX_callback,RX_callback, user_data)

  • TX_callback(data: []const u8, user_data: ?*anyopaque) void: This function is responsible for sending the driver data to the module.

    • data: a slice containing the bytes that need to be sent to the module, note: you don't need to send all the data at once.

    • user_data: An optional pointer to a user parameter

    • Returns: Void

  • RX_callback(free_size: usize, user_data: ?*anyopaque) []const u8: This is an optional function used by the driver to request information.

    • free_size: count of bytes that the driver can read, you can return any amount of bytes as long as it does not exceed that value (additional data will be lost)

    • user_data: An optional pointer to a user parameter

    • returns: a slice containing the read bytes, this slice must live until the next call of this function, after which it can be released

  • user_data: An optional pointer to a user parameter for TX and RX callbacks

Once the driver type is initialized, the first thing you should do is call the function: init_driver(), This function will clear any commands in the event queue and load the driver's startup sequence. To safely turn off the driver, use: deinit_driver()

To initialize the event loop, you should call the function process() periodically. This function returns internal driver errors.[TODO: Error Handling DOC]

Alternatively you can use the function: feed([]const u8) to notify data to the driver and leave RX_callback as null,In this case, it is not necessary to call process() periodically, before sending any data using this function it is necessary to check the amount of bytes available in the input buffer with: get_rx_free_space()

feed returns the amount of bytes saved in the buffer

Generic example:

const Driver = @import("ESPAT");
const StandartRunner = Driver.StandartRunner

fn TX_callback(data: []const u8, user_data: ?*anyopaque) `void` {
   if (user_data) |userdata| {
       const serial: *serial_type = @ptrCast(@alignCast(userdata));

var foo_buf: [4096]u8 = undefined;
fn rx_callback(free_size: usize, user_data: ?*anyopaque) []u8 {
   var bytes_read: usize = 0;
   if (user_data) |userdata| {
       const serial: *serial_type = @ptrCast(@alignCast(userdata));
       bytes_read =[0..free_size]);
   return foo_buf[0..bytes_read];

fn main() !`void` {
   var serial = Serial.lib;
   var driver = StandartRunner.Runner(.{}).init(TX_callback, rx_callback, &serial);
   defer driver.deinit_driver();
   try driver.init_driver()
       my_drive.process() catch |err| {
           _ = std.log.err("Driver got error: {}", .{err});

TODO: microzig port example

Basic WiFi config

To use ESP's WiFi features, you need to create a device: WiFi.Device.init()

link this device to the Runner with: WiFi_device.link_device(&my_drive);

Before using any WiFi-related function, it is necessary to set the WiFi mode using the function: set_WiFi_mode(mode: DriverMode)

ESPAT has 3 WiFi modes:

  • DriverMode.AP: to configure the module as an access point.
  • DriverMode.STA: To configure the module as a station.
  • DriverMode.AP_STA: To set up the previous two modes at the same time.

the WiFi mode can be changed at any time, but keep in mind that the module will not automatically connect to the WiFi after the AP mode is changed to STA (this is not a hardware or driver limitation, it is just a default setting, it can be changed in the future according to user feedback)

Setting up the module as an access point:

With WiFi configured for AP or AP_STA mode , create a configuration struct: WiFi.APConfig the fields in this struct correspond directly to the settings of the AT commands. soft AP parameters

To save the settings and enable SoftAP mode, pass the configuration struct to the function: WiFi_config_AP(config: APConfig)

Setting up the module as a station:

With WiFi configured for STA or AP_STA mode , create a configuration struct: WiFi.STAConfig the fields in this struct correspond directly to the settings of the AT commands. STA parameters

To save the settings and enable STA mode, pass the configuration struct to the function: WiFi_connect_AP(config: WiFi.STAConfig)

WiFi events

all WiFi events are handled by a single handler, which can be set with: set_WiFi_event_handler(callback: WIFI_event_type, user_data: ?*anyopaque):

  • WIFI_event_type: fn on_WiFi_event(event: Wifi.Event, user_data: ?*anyopaque) void``:
    • event: A tagged union containing the event tag and possible event data.
    • user_data: optional pointer to a user parameter
  • user_data: optional pointer to a user parameter

WiFi event table

EVENT data Info
AP_CON_START void WiFi has started a connection attempt.
AP_CONNECTED void WiFi connected to an access point, waiting for IP.
AP_GOT_MASK []const u8 WiFi received the network mask from the Access Point, returns a string with the network mask.
AP_GOT_IP []const u8 WiFi received an IP from the Access point, returns a string with the IP.
AP_GOT_GATEWAY []const u8 WiFi received the gateway IP of the Access point, returns a string with the gateway IP.
AP_DISCONNECTED void WiFi disconnected from an access point.
SCAN_START void AP scanning started
SCAN_FIND ScanData an access point was found
STA_CONNECTED []const u8 A device has connected to the module's access point. returns the MAC address of the device.
STA_GOT_IP DeviceInfo a device has been assigned an IP address from the module, returns the MAC and IP address of the device.
STA_DISCONNECTED []const u8 a device disconnected from the module's access point, returns the device's MAC address.
ERROR ErrorEvent An error occurred during the connection contain the reason for the error. error table

WiFi Error Table

Timeout Connection to an access point took too long to respond.
Password Incorrect WiFi password.
SSID The module was not able to find the specified SSID.
FAIL The access point refused the connection.
Unknown The module returned an unknown error code.

To disconnect from WiFi, use: WiFi.disconnect()

(note: you don't need to use this function to switch WiFi networks)

WiFi Example

const Driver = @import("ESPAT");
const WiFi = Driver.WiFi;

fn WiFi_callback(event: WiFi.Event, _: ?*anyopaque) void {
    switch (event) {
        .AP_DISCONNECTED => {
  "WiFi disconnect from {s}", .{wifi_ssid});
        .AP_CON_START => {
  "WiFi conn start", .{});
        .AP_CONNECTED => {
  "WiFi connect waiting for IP", .{});
        .AP_GOT_IP => |ip| {
  "WiFi got ip {s}", .{ip});
        else => {
  "WiFi got event {any}", .{event});

const STA_config = WiFi.STAConfig{
    .ssid = wifi_ssid,
    .pwd = wifi_password,
    .wifi_protocol = .{
        .@"802.11b" = 1,
        .@"802.11g" = 1,
        .@"802.11n" = 1,

    .wifi_ip = .{ .static = .{ .ip = "" } },

const AP_config = WiFi.APConfig{
    .ssid = "banana",
    .channel = 5,
    .ecn = .OPEN,
    .wifi_protocol = .{
        .@"802.11b" = 1,
        .@"802.11g" = 1,
        .@"802.11n" = 1,
    .mac = "00:C0:DA:F0:F0:00",
    .wifi_ip = .{ .DHCP = {} },

fn main() !void {
    var WiFi_dev = WiFi.Device.init();
    WiFi_dev.set_WiFi_event_handler(WiFi_callback, null);
    try WiFi_dev.set_WiFi_mode(.AP_STA);
    try WiFi_dev.WiFi_config_AP(AP_config);
    try WiFi_dev.WiFi_connect_AP(STA_config);

Basic network

To use the TCP_IP feature it is necessary to create a device: Network.Device(binds).init();

where binds is the number of binds configured in the ESP, minimum: 5

link this device to the Runner with: Network_device.link_device(&my_drive);

Before using any network-related function, it is necessary to set the network mode by the function: set_network_mode(mode: Network.DriveMode)

By default the module has a total of 5 Sockets, which can be divided between client and server, the network modes define how this division will be done.

NetworkDriveMode Client connections Server connections

(This may change in the future, allowing the user to configure the division.)

You can change the network mode at any time, but this may have some side effects:

  • Clients: Decreasing the number of client connections will immediately delete the associated handler for the connection, causing data loss. Make sure that all client connections have been terminated.

  • Server: change the number of server connections will only take effect when the server is deleted.


To start a client the first thing you should do is get a Socket ID by the function: bind(event_callback: ClientCallback, user_data: ?*anyopaque)

this function is assigned a ClientCallback and an optional user-defined parameter (each ID can have its own callback and parameter).

if a client socket is available, this function will associate the callback and the user's parameter with that socket and return the ID.

to make a request you must create a configuration struct:ConnectConfig

This struct gets:

  • recv_mode = socket data reception mode, .active: the module will send all received data immediately, .passive: the module will store the received data in an internal buffer until the user requests the data.
  • remote_host = a string containing the IP or domain of the host
  • remote_port = the host port
  • config = Request type configuration:
    • TCP/SSL:
      • keep_alive = keep-alive timeout
    • UDP:

With this struct configured, call the function: connect(id: usize, config: NetworkConnectPkg) passing the id and the configuration.

now all communication will happen through the callback associated with the socket. Network events

To return a socket, use the function: release(id: usize), this function will clear all data associated with the Socket and return the ID to the list of available Sockets


To create a server you must create a configuration struct: ServerConfig this struct contains:

  • recv_mode = socket data reception mode, .active: the module will send all received data immediately, .passive: the module will store the received data in an internal buffer until the user requests the data.
  • port = the port that the server will listen on
  • server_type = the type of server, servers can be of 3 types: .default (default firmware configuration), .TCP and .SSL.

(The ESP-AT does not support creating UDP servers, but it is possible to receive data via UDP by initializing a UDP client where the local_port parameter is the port on which the device will listen for UDP packets.)

  • callback and user_data = a Clientcallback and an optional user parameter, all server connections will share the same callback and parameters.

  • user_data = optional user-defined parameter.

  • timeout = optional timeout time for server.

After configured, create the server by calling: create_server(ServerConfig) and passing the settings

all communication will happen through the event_callback. Network events

Note: ESPAT only supports listening on one port at a time. To delete the server use the function: delete_server()

Network Events

both clients and servers use ClientCallbacks for communication, a ClientCallback is just: (client: ESPAT.Client, user_data: ?*anyopaque) void``

The Struct Client contains all the information needed to manage the connection:

  • id = the connection ID
  • event = A tagged union containing the tag of each event and the event data. Event Table
  • accept() = makes a request for the data saved in the id buffer, this function always tries to read as much as allowed by the network_recv_size setting.
  • close() = function to close the connection
  • send() = function to send data. (Note: the data should live until it is returned by event: .SendDataComplete or .SendDataCancel ).
  • send_to() = sends data to a specific host. (UDP only)
Network Event Table
Event Data info
Connected Void id has started a connection.
Closed void The id closed a connection.
DataReport usize The id has data on hold, use accept() to receive or close() to close and clear the connection. (only in passive mode)
ReadData []const u8 data read from the buffer.
SendData SendResult The data sent can now be cleaned, it also returns the result of the operation

Network Example

const Driver = @import("ESPAT");
const Network = Driver.Network;
const Client = Network.Client;

fn server_callback(client: Client, user_data: ?*anyopaque) void {
    _ = user_data;
    switch (client.event) {
        .Connected => {
  "Client {d} from {s}:{d} connected to the server!", .{
        .DataReport => |len| {
  "server: id {} have {} bytes in queue", .{, len });
            client.accept() catch |err| {
      "SERVER: got error {}, on bind {}", .{ err, });
        .ReadData => |data| {
  "server got {s}", .{data});
            client.send(@constCast(html)) catch |err| {
      "SERVER: got error {}, on bind {}", .{ err, });
            client.close() catch |err| {
      "SERVER: close got error {}", .{err});
        else => {},

var req_buf_tcp: [200]u8 = undefined;
fn tcp_callback(client: Client, user_data: ?*anyopaque) void {
    _ = user_data;
    switch (client.event) {
        .Connected => {
            client.send("teste\r\n\r\n") catch unreachable;
  "TCP send data!", .{});
        .DataReport => |len| {
  "client TCP: have {} bytes in queue", .{len});
            client.accept() catch |err| {
      "tcp got error {}, on bind {}", .{ err, });
        .ReadData => |data| {
  "Client got {d}bytes: {s}", .{ data.len, data });
        else => {
  "CLIENT TCP EVENT: {any}", .{client.event});

//all data passed to send or send_to needs to live until a Send event occurs
var req_buf_udp: [200]u8 = undefined;
var remote_host: [50]u8 = undefined;
fn udp_callback(client: Client, user_data: ?*anyopaque) void {
    _ = user_data;
    switch (client.event) {
        .ReadData => |data| {
            const host_len = client.remote_host.?.len;
            std.mem.copyForwards(u8, &remote_host, client.remote_host.?);
            const msg = std.fmt.bufPrint(&req_buf_udp, "{d}\r\n", .{data.len}) catch unreachable;
            client.send_to(msg, remote_host[0..host_len], client.remote_port.?) catch |err| {
      "udp got error {any}", .{err});
        else => {
  "CLIENT UDP EVENT: {any}", .{client.event});

const config_tcp = Network.ConnectConfig{
    .recv_mode = .passive,
    .remote_host = "",
    .remote_port = 80,
    .config = .{
        .tcp = .{ .keep_alive = 100 },

const config_udp = Network.ConnectConfig{
    .recv_mode = .active,
    .remote_host = "",
    .remote_port = 1234,
    .config = .{
        .udp = .{
            .local_port = 1234,
            .mode = .Change_all,

const server_config = Network.ServerConfig{
    .recv_mode = .passive,
    .callback = server_callback,
    .user_data = null,
    .server_type = .TCP,
    .port = 80,
    .timeout = 2600,

fn main() !void {
    var net_dev = WiFi.Device.init();

    try net_dev.set_network_mode(.SERVER_CLIENT);
    const id_udp = try net_dev.bind(udp_callback, null);
    const id_tcp = try net_dev.bind(tcp_callback, null);
    try net_dev.connect(id_tcp, config_tcp);
    try net_dev.connect(id_udp, config_udp);
    try net_dev.create_server(server_config);

It is also possible to find the ESP8266Network, a version compatible with the network device made for the ESP8266

Error Handling



complete example code:


simple driver to use ESP32 boards as WiFi module via AT command firmware








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