This script does topic modelling on the latest academic pre-prints on coronavirus to see if there were any unusual patterns. Its a total experiment and I have written an article summarising the things I thought were interesting.
I go into more detail about the process, method and application in my blog post - 9 Coronavirus Research Trends using LDA and Topic Modelling
Coronavirus data collected from the results section of each pre-print listed in the Elsevier Novel Coronavirus Information Center accessed on March 1st 2020 -
We will need the stopwords from NLTK and spacy’s en model for text pre-processing. Later, we will be using the spacy model for lemmatization.
import nltk;'stopwords')
python3 -m spacy download en
This script requires a bunch of NLP libraries which I'm sure you will be able to download.
You will also need to download Mallet, unzip and point to that folder directory in the python script: Download File: mallet_path = '../mallet-2.0.8/bin/mallet' # update this path in the python file
This script was heavily inspired by this tutorial -