Integration with Home Assistant via MQTT
Function for VRChat player join/leave notifications
Automations for changing your VRChat status based on the sleep mode & sleep preparation.
Avatar automations for changing your VRChat avatar when you fall asleep, wake up, or prepare for bed.
Option for changing your VRChat status description in the player limit status automations.
Option to load and save VRChat player lists as presets for automatic invite request acceptance.
Option to limit automatically accepting invite request based on the number of players in the world.
Automations for switching between various player list presets for automatic invite request acceptance.
Automation for disabling the sleep mode when you've been upright for long enough after laying down.
Automation for automatically disabling the sleep mode when a (certain) VRChat user joins or leaves your world.
Automation trigger for the shutdown sequence to run when you've been left alone in your VRChat world instance for a certain amount of time.
Ukrainian language support (Community contribution by senkodev and Fanyatsu )
Additional configuration options for the sleep detector (controller presence, sleeping pose)
Options for forcing the power state of base stations (Right click the power button).
Support for base stations that don't report their status. (Newer lighthouses sold through Valve, likely manufactured by HTC)
Optional fix to delay initializing OyasumiVR with OpenVR.
OVRToolkit as a notification provider
Support for string parameters in OSC scripts (Community contribution by Fanyatsu )
Support for sending multiple parameters in OSC scripts (Community contribution by Fanyatsu )
Improved duration selection for sleep duration in shutdown sequence
Made device edit dialog always show the device serial number in its title.
Improved sleep detection by considering the sleeping pose
Improved layouts for sleep detection configuration views
When the overlay menu is opened while the controller is not tracked, the overlay will open in front of you instead.
Custom window titlebar
CJK fonts not properly being loaded in some parts of the overlay UI
Brightness overlay not covering full view of some high FOV headsets (e.g. Pimax)
Bigscreen Beyond fan speed often being reset
VRChat accounts with 2FA being logged out after 7 days. (Now 30 days, if you store credentials)
The overlay menu sometimes not showing when being opened
Improved handling of failed configuration migrations
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