This module add the battleground Slavery Valley.
The module is open source, it is only for ,
- Any faction has 80 points (as default), the goal is decrease the points of the opposite faction by killing the players or the boss.
- There are three bases: Mine, Restless Graveyard, Prison.
- Restless Graveyard and Mine give you the Spirit Healer of the base.
- Mine, if taken, buffs the team with Mine Buff, it increases your damage by 5%.
- Restless Graveyard, if taken, buffs the team with Restless Soul Graveyard Buff, it increases your stamina.
- If you kill a player you inflict 1 point to the opposite faction, if you take Prison you inflict 2 points when you kill a player.
- The base Prison has no graveyard.
- There are two bosses one for each faction.
- When you kill a boss inflict 10 points to the opposite faction, if you took all the bases, when you kill the boss you inflict 25 points to the opposite faction.
- If one of the two bosses die, the other boss disappear.
- The bosses (re)spawn after 5 minutes.
- Snoopzz
- [newrage]