Ahoy! This kit is our all-new/all-old web starter kit. Use it well!
With the help of Gulp and 11ty, Asteroids includes SCSS processing, JS minification and Nunjucks, a super cool template engine created by Mozilla.
Install Node.js and Gulp to run this starter kit.
- Download or clone the repository
- Install the local dependencies with
$ npm i
- Run the kit development stuff with
$ npm start
$ npm start
Launch Eleventy in serve mode and run some Gulp tasks to keep an eye on your SCSS/JS files to process and reload your project on port 8080
$ npm run build:pro
Delete and reprocess the dist folder with optimized versions of your HTML/CSS/JS files.
$ gulp zipit
Delete and reprocess the public folder with optimized versions of your HTML/CSS/JS files and compress it in a .zip file.
The task picks the name of the project from the package.json "name" property.
It will generate an ignored DDMMYY-hm-project-name.zip
The gulpfile.js uses a configuration JSON file to set source and destination files of the project. Check config.json out and edit what you need.
The project folder structure looks like this:
├── _src/
│ ├── _data/
│ │ └── settings.js
│ ├── _templates/
│ │ └── layouts/
│ ├── assets/
│ │ ├── _domain/
│ │ ├── _icon/
│ │ ├── _scripts/
│ │ ├── _scss/
│ │ ├── css/
│ │ ├── fonts/
│ │ ├── images/
│ │ └── js/
│ └── index.njk
└── dist/
├── assets/
│ ├── css/
│ ├── fonts/
│ ├── images/
│ └── js/
├── favicon.ico
├── humans.txt
└── index.html
Asteroids do not include a CSS reset stylesheet anymore, but we have added two awesome tools:
- A csscomb JSON file to use with your code editor as your own risk :)
- The media query combiner tool from @hail2u css-mqpacker.
A few linter configurations are also included in Asteroids: Eslint, Stylelint and Markdown lint. You may need certain plugins or extensions for your code editor in order to use them.
👉 There is no such thing as a pre commit configuration or autoformat setting, these linters are only meant to show "problems" as you edit any JS/SCSS/MD file.
That's up to you :), although you can find a "browserlist" property for the autoprefixer in the package.json file.
So, what is next?
- Gulp task to generate a timestamped deploy folder
- Add CSS Linters
- Add JS Linters
- Use EJS/Nunjucks instead of PUG
- Quit using Jquery
- Migrate to 11ty
- Add a GitHub Pages action
- Mobile icons + PSD source file
Update modernizr checkersFix PUG/HTML reload loop
Do you miss anything? Feel free to request a feature or contribute to making it better ;)