Based on services by Openwrt routers and pubyun, Windows NT 10.0.
Wrote this when found Openwrt can't update a private ip like to 3322 ddns, while resolving domain names to ips is in fact useful, for what we stay in is just a big "LAN".
This method is tested in campus network(GZHU), but suitable for any DHCP network.
Skip this step.
Windows 10 Home doesn't support remote desktop by default, but you can make it available by installing RDP Wrap.
If you still don't have a dynamic domain by pubyun, go to pubyun and get one for free.
Do the following steps on Openwrt via ssh
or other tools like Putty.
opkg update
opkg install curl
(Assume that you have owned a domain name like
cd /etc
Copy codes from
in this repository.
Modify three places in angle bracket <>
: domain name you acquire on pubyun, example:
: update code from domain name settings
: probably be 'wan' or 'eth0.2'. type ifconfig
to check what ip to be sent.
Then :wq
and ./
to run once.
(Optional) Or you can first git it on Windows:
git clone
to /etc
on your Openwrt router via tools like WinSCP.
or vi
to modify your
If you have successfully updated your ip to pubyun, then setup schedual task on Openwrt.
*/20 * * * * /etc/
Setup port forwarding in firewall with inner port 3389