This repository contains a collection of all my projects developed for the Computer Organization and Architecture (COA) course. Each project focuses on a different fundamental component of digital systems. Below is an overview of each project included in this repository.
This project implements a 4-bit Ripple Carry Adder. The circuit consists of 4 1bit Full-Adders circuits , thus generate a 4bit Sum & a 1bit Carry.
- 4bit_ripple_Carry_Adder.v: Verilog code for the adder-cum-subtractor
This project implements a 4-bit adder-cum-subtractor. The circuit can perform both addition and subtraction based on a control signal.
- 4bit_adder_Cum_Subtractor.v: Verilog code for the adder-cum-subtractor
This project creates a 1-bit 4-to-1 multiplexer. The multiplexer selects one of four input bits based on two selection lines. There are Two Ways of Implementing it.
- Structural Variant : 1bit_4to1_mux_struct.v
- Behavioural Variant : 1bit_4to1_mux_behav.v